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Erro ao iniciar instalação do Mac OS High Sierra

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Baixei a imagem aqui do Olarila, gravei ela no pendrive como dito nos tutoriais daqui com o Etcher, tentei configurar a bios ativando e desativado o oque eu consegui encontrar, porem, quando dou boot no pendrive para fazer a instalação e escolho a imagem para iniciar, aparece uma sopa de letrinhas e milhares de erros, será que fiz algo errado ?

PCWare IPM41-D3

GT 1030 2GB GDDR5

Intel Xeon E5450

HD 320GB

Kernel text base: Oxffffff800cc08000 HIB text base: Oxffffff800cb00000 System uptime in nanoseconds: 755156105 Last loaded kext at 714693016: >IAACPIPlatform 6.1 (addr 8xfffffEZf8dd1a800, size 638976) Loaded kexts: Attempting system restart...MACH Reboot "thread_invoke: preemption_level 2, possible cause: blocking while holding a spinlock, or within interrupt context"@/E 3/osfmk/kern/sched_prim.c:2231panic(cpu 8 caller 8xffffff800cd877ef ): Kernel trap at exffrrrr888cd8763a, type 8-Kerne CRO: Ox000000008001003b, CR2: 8x00000000000086e8, CR3: 8x08000000113f1808, CR4: Bx00000000088006e0 RAX: Ox00000000000002a, RBX: Ox0000000000000000, RCX: 8xffffff818e4d3bb0, RDX: 8x000000087ffrfffr RSP: 8xffffr810e4d3268, RBP: Oxffffff818e4d3330, RSI: 8xfffffr88ed372b24, RDI: 8x0000000000000008 R8: Oxffffff818e4d3a70, R9: ex0000000000000008, R18: 8x8000008800000008, R11: 8x0000000000000000 R12: Ox00000000000006e0, R13: Ox0000000000000000, R14: 8x000000000000002a, R15: 8xfffffr800cc7f864 RFL: Ox0000000000010046, RIP: 8xffffff800cc7ea09, CS: 8x8008880000008888, SS: Bx0800000008000000 Fault CR2: Ox00000000000006e0, Error code: 8x080000000000008, Fault CPU: 8x8, PL: 4, VF: 5 panic(cpu 0 caller Oxffffff800cd877ef ): Kernel trap at ex8800088088000008, type 1=Kernel trap at exfffffreeecc7ea09, ty CRO: Ox000000008001003b, CR2: Ox00000008113f 1800, CR3: ex08800888113f 10ee, CR4: 8x80800000090006ee RAX: Ox000000000000002a, RBX: Ox000000000000000, RCX: 8xfffffr818e4d3bc8, RDX: ex808000007fffrf RSP: Oxffffff818e4d2c60, RBP: Oxfffffr810e4d2d30, RSI: Oxfffffr888d372b24, RDI: Bx0000000000000888 RB: Oxffffff810e4d3a70, R9: Ox0000000000000008, R18: 8x800000000000089, R11: Ox0000000e00000000 R12: Ox00000000113f1000, R13: Ox000000000000000, R14: ex800000000000002a, R15: 8xffffff800cc7f864 RFL: Ox0000000000010046, RIP: Oxfffffr800cc7ea89, CS: ex00080000000008, SS: Bx8080000000000008 Fault CR2: Ox00000000113f1000, Error code: 8x0000000000000008, Fault CPU: 8x8, PL: 6, VF: 5 panic(cpu 0 caller OxffffffB00cd877ef): Kernel trap at exfffffr800d34bdc8, type -2147418053-Kernel trap at exfffffre00c CRO: Ox000000008001003b, CR2: Ox000000000000000e, CR3: Ex00000000113f1888, CR1: 8x00000000000006e8 RAX: Ox0000000000000034, RBX: Ox000000000000000e, RCX: 8xfffffr818e4d3bee, RDX: 0x000000087fffrrrt RSP: Oxffffff810e4d2660, RBP: Oxfffffr818e4d2738, RSI: 8xffffff800d372b24, RDI: 8x8000008000898 R8: Oxffffff810e4d3a70. R9: 8x000000000000008, R18: 8x8800000800008688, R11: 8x000000000006 R12: Ox000000000000000e, R13: 0x00000000000000, R14: Ex0000000000000034, R15: Exfffffre0Bcc7 RFL: 8x0000000000010046, RIP: Oxffffff800cc7ea09, CS: ex8000000000000008, SS: Fault CR2: 0x000000000000000e, Error code: 8x8000B00000000000, Fault CPU: Ox8, PL: 8, VF: 5 panic(cpu 0 caller Oxfffffre00cd877ef ): Kernel trap at 8xfffffr810e1d3c20, type 8=, registers: CRO: OxfffffF810e4d3c30, CR2: 8xfffff818e4d3c20, CR3: exfffffr800cc1ele0, RAX: 8x0000000000000000, RBX: 8xffffff818e4d3d10. RCX: 8xfffffr7f8dd39216, RDx: RSP: OxfffffrB01f688840, RBP: 8x000000errrrrrrr, RSI: Oxfffffr8Bee465024, RDI: 8x0000888880088824 R8: Ox0000000000000000. R9: Ox000000000000052, R18: 8x000000000000001 , R11: Oxfffrfra88dd9135f R12: 8xfffffra10e4d3d32, R13: 8x00000000cfb8f000, R14: 8x000008000090088, R15: 8xffffrreBee165000 RFL: Oxffffff8Bee465000, RIP: 8xfffffr818e4d3d10. CS: Bx0000000000000000, SS: Bx008000000000000 Fault CR2: 8xffffff7f8dd91368. Error code: Oxfffree001f1b0000, Fault CPU: ex8dd91360At tempting systen restart...MRCH Reboe Attempt ing system restart...MACH Reboot Attempting system restart...MACH Reboot c7f864 8B0008888808008X9 CR4: Bxfffffr818e4d3c28 Bxfffrrr88880000er

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vc tem de bloquear a voodootscsync


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Não funcionou, continua com o mesmo erro :(


posta uma foto da tela de erro

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siga esse tutorial, dê uma boa lida


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Você acha que as configuraçoes consegue rodar o Catalina ?


sua nvidia só funciona até o high sierra

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Então é correto afirmar, que só posso tentar instalar Sierra ou High Sierra ?

se só funciona até o high sierra, só pode usar até esse os

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