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Disk Util backup


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Eu costumo usar disk util pra tirar imagens das particoes caso de alguma merda.

Mas minha install do mojave o disk util nao faz imagem :'(

Eu formatei APFS case-sensitive.

Meu post no tonycrapNgnrespondex86:

Can't use Disk utility "Image from" on Mojave Partition


I'm just curious WHY I can't take an image from my mojave install using disk utility.

I'm talking about selecting disk foo in Disk Utility and going File > New Image > Image from foo.

It's grayed out.

I normally use it to make a backup copy of the system before updates.

Partition is case-sensitive APFS on an SSD.

My mojave system can't copy itself while booted.

My Sierra install can't copy my Mojave (it doesn't even see it bc APFS)

My usb installer for mojave can't copy mojave either.

I thought that bc I don't have another case-sensitive APFS partition, it doesn't have anywhere to save it the image file. Does that make sense? I would save Image file to HFS+J case-insensitive.

Googled for this but nothing, seems too specific. Results just assume "Image from" works and are more like, "how to disk utility" guides.


Faz sentido qual o problema? Se nao fizer eu tiro umas fotos. Eu to bolado que vou ter que usar uma ferramenta de backup de terceiros se isso nao funcionar.

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