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Post Installation Clover Error (Mojave)


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Hi All, brand new to this world so excuse my ignorance.

I just requested a custom DSDT but was able to install Mojave without issue-- just issues with usb 3, graphics (don't have full nvdia driver options) and there are still a lot of boot flags.

I tried installing clover and swapping to the appropriate CLOVER file afterwords, but when I boot without the installer usb, clover shows no options to boot from. I tried the command to show hidden, but none were there.

Lastly, when I receive the custom DSDT, how do I update it in my install?

Could somebody help get this sorted?


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After freeze and re-boot with the usb, EFI is moved into EFI Backup.

Attached is most recent CLOVER folder which includes the dsdt you created for me. In the DSDT thread you can see the verbose code output if that is helpful.

*edit. Added the verbose screen shot here as well.



post ur clover folder here

post ur clover folder here



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[ref]oldfatandgifted[/ref], FORGET OTHER TOPIC, POST HERE



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That CLOVER file worked perfectly for boot. Bought you another beer :) Any chance we can get my USB 3.0 sorted out? Also, is there a driver that will allow me to scale manually (for hdmi overscan) ?

Running great now, just need those USB 3.0 ports if at all possible (I will max my ports out with them as it is).



[ref]oldfatandgifted[/ref], FORGET OTHER TOPIC, POST HERE



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[ref]oldfatandgifted[/ref], extract new SEND_ME, i need check

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[ref]oldfatandgifted[/ref], take it easy with this kext, cause some problems in many cases :boxing

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[ref]oldfatandgifted[/ref], just press barspace in clover boot screen and block kext, use kext in clover/kexts/other

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Perfect, thanks. Last time I did this I think I had to do it with a boot flag manually.



[ref]oldfatandgifted[/ref], just press barspace in clover boot screen and block kext, use kext in clover/kexts/other


Added in 14 minutes 36 seconds:

Had absolutely no effect, I checked front and back both. I removed it just to be safe, but here was no hang or issue.

Could this be the max USB limit I saw mentioned, will read up on that if so.



[ref]oldfatandgifted[/ref], just press barspace in clover boot screen and block kext, use kext in clover/kexts/other

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[ref]oldfatandgifted[/ref], ur mobo dont need usb limit port patch, but ur usb3 is not intel, don't work native, need a extra kext for it :D

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Hopefully I can find another good kext. The one you posted was the only one I found other the generic injector you already included in the distro.

I may have to buy a pcie card I guess-- assuming there are still options supported under Mojave.


[ref]oldfatandgifted[/ref], ur mobo dont need usb limit port patch, but ur usb3 is not intel, don't work native, need a extra kext for it :D

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