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Clover Bootloader does not display the right resolution + stretched apple logo


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I have a pc DELL OPTIPLEX 760


CPU: intel CORE 2 DUO E8400 3.0Ghz

RAM: 6GB DDR2 800Mhz

GPU: Nvidia GT210 1024MB

HDD: x2 160GB one for windows and the other for macos

BIOS: Legacy

sorry for misspelling I use google translation :(

My pc is working very well with mac the only problem I have is to clover bootloader when I start the machine the resolution of the clover is 1024x768 but my monitor 23p FHD 1920x1080 + when I select the disk macos the apple logo seems Stretched

when the loading bar arrived in half the resolution changes to 1920x1080

I try to fix the problem by changing the resolution of the clover in the file config.plist but Without result :oops:

here is my config.plist and boot.log file

Config + boot.zip



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in legacy mode have this problem, live with it or use csm driver, but this driver cause some problem

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[ref]bahaedin[/ref], u can report this poblem for clover devs

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