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Help me to get Sierra (10.12.6) hackintosh 100% working on Asus G73sw


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I’ve succesfull installed Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6 on my Asus G73sw with the specifications below:

- Intel 2630QM-I7 / HM65

- Nvidia Geforce GTX460m

So what is needed to install Sierra on a Asus G73sw?

1) Install Mac OS Sierra through a bootable USB with Clover on it

2) Copy FakeSMC.kext , USBInjectAll.kext and VoodooPS2Controller to USB\EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\ folder

3) Copy HFSPlus-64 , CsmVideoDxe-64 (needed full resolution in Clover) and OsxAptioFixDrv-64 to USB\EFI\CLOVER\drivers64UEFI\ folder

4) Install Mac OS Sierra

* Files in attachement 'USB Files'

After the installation you reach the desktop.

FIRST install Clover with the following settings:

- Installation for UEFI motherboards

- Install Clover in the ESP

- Drivers64UEFI -> OsxAptioFixDrv-64

- Drivers64UEFI -> CsmVideoDxe-64

- Install RC scripts on targetvolume

- Install Clover preference panel

Copy HFSPlus-64 to EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI/ folder

After that, install the following kexts with your favorite kext installer:

- FakeSMC.kext -> Always needed

- VoodooPS2Controller -> Needed to use your keyboard

- USBInjectAll -> Needed to use USB2.0 ports

- ACPIBatteryManager -> Shows batterystatus

- AsusNBFnKeys -> Needed to use FN keys

- AppleALC + Lilu -> Needed to get audio working

- RealtekRTL8111 -> Needed to get LAN working (can’t test, LAN card defect)

As last, copy the DSDT (many thanks to MaLd0n for creating the DSDT file) file to EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/PATCHED/

* Files in attachement 'After installation files'

Reboot and see what is working:

- Nvidia Geforce GTX460m -> Config.plist

- Wifi -> DSDT

- Audio -> DSDT + AppleALC + Lilu

- USB2.0 -> USBInjectall

- Batterypercentage -> DSDT

- Asus FN keys -> AsusNBFnKeys

And what is not working:

- USB3.0 (Fresco Logic xHCI(USB3))

- Keyboard backlight

- Brightness FN key

- Cardreader

- Bluetooth

As last, I’m unable to generate a SSDT with ssdtPRGen.sh from Piker-Alpha. I’ve got the following error (see picture below):



The MacBookPro10,1 SMBios has an board-ID that is not compatible with my Sandy Bridge laptop. So I tried a few things:

- Change the SMBios to MacBookPro8,2

Reboot -> Black screen

- Changed the SMBIOS to MacBookPro8,2 and add the below to KextToPatch


BA050000 00

BA000000 00

Prevent AGDP from loading

Reboot -> Apple bar won’t load

- Changed the SMBIOS to MacBookPro8,2 and changed productname to iMac13,2

Reboot -> Apple bar load but get a blackscreen

- Changed the SMBIOS to MacBookPro8,2 and changed productname to iMac13,2 and add the below to KextToPatch


BA050000 00

BA000000 00

Prevent AGDP from loading

Reboot -> laptop boots good

With the MacBookPro8,2 SMBIOS and the changed productname I’m still unable to generate an SSDT (without errors).

So, can someone help me to:

- Generate a correct SSDT

- Get USB3.0 working

- Get Keyboard backlight working

- Get Brightness FN key working

- Get Cardreader working

- Get Bluetooth working

USB files.zip

After installation files.zip

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Att. cmbrgo

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