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Asus z170i pro gaming DSDT


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Hello everyone ;

I am newbie with DSDT with Hackintosh ; this subject is not clear for me , I don't know how to start and what should I do and How to know result is good or bad

I talk about DSDT for MoBo ASUS Z170I PRO GAMING with

- HIGH SIERRA 10.13.6

-INTEL I7 6700K

-32 GB RAM


-256 GB SSD


Everything is working fine as I think . I just did DSDT for NATIVE CPU POWER MANAGEMENT with script ssdtPRGen.sh exactly as someone did it in Youtube

I want to know please what is still missing ?! and I want to know what I did right or wrong ?

From where I should start this story and what will be the benefits ?!!

Just need clear and simple guide please !!!

and where to find DSDT for my pc MOtherBOard

I will upload any file you request to help me

Thanks in advance

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Finally I found DSDT Patches for 100 Series Motherboard



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Thanks again for help ; but should I make any change in config.plist ?

What changes and improvements should I see now in my system ?

another question please ;

How to get rid of glitchy apple logo in startup ? It's not big problem but may you have a solution .

(Intel HD 530)

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u can compare ioreg before/after

use our clover folder for serie 10

have a patch for boot glitch

-Guides and Tutorials HERE

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-The largest EFI folder collection for Hackintosh HERE

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-Professional Consulting for macOS Hackintosh since 2006 HERE

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