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[RESOLVIDO]Ajuda DSDT Dell 5423 - CRS_ Not Accessible from t

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Olá pessoal, estou tentando aplicar patch HPET e está retornando o seguinte erro

not accessible from this scope (CRS_)

o patch é o para ivy que está na sessão de transferencias daqui

# Change methods _STA and _CRS into device HPET (to avoid AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement panic)
into method label _STA parent_hid PNP0103 remove_entry;
into device name_hid PNP0103 insert
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)\n
   Return (0x0F)\n
into method label _CRS parent_hid PNP0103 remove_entry;
into device name_hid PNP0103 insert
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized)\n
   Return (CRS)\n


Soluçao: Return (BUF0)

Obrigado e abraços.

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