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Saiu o update 10.7.4

Update: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1525 (692.68 MB, requer OS X Lion 10.7.3)

Combo: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1524 (1.4 GB, requer OS X Lion 10.7)

Para quem usa AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement modificada para Sandy Bridge http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1003

Aplique o patch após o término da atualização, mas antes de reiniciar.

Solução para a perda de desempenho nos Sandy Bridge http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=34

Fix para CMOS reset após sleep http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=280

Lapic kernel (laptops HP) http://www.osx86.net/view/2733-os_x_lion_10.7.4_kernel_lapic_native.html

Fix para Atheros 928x http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1419

Update anterior: http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=929

-Guides and Tutorials HERE

-Hackintosh Tutorial Database - HERE

-The largest EFI folder collection for Hackintosh HERE

-Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a donation HERE

-Professional Consulting for macOS Hackintosh since 2006 HERE


thankyou so very much...

Motherboard:PCWARE IPMH61R2:Core i5 2310 2.9Ghz

GPU:XFX Radeon HD 6670 1 GB GDDR3 128 bits

Mem:8GB Kingston DDR3 1333 Ghz

bluetooth with Magic Mouse and keyboard USB

HDD:Samsung 1Tb "Lion 10.7.3" + Paralells Windows 8


Para quem usa AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement modificada para Sandy Bridge is not for me .my cpu type is i5 2410m

Para quem usa AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement modificada para Sandy Bridge is not for me .my cpu type is i5 2410m

2410m é Sandy Bridge.

Depois do update preciso de darkwake=0 em Kernel Flags pro sleep/wake funcionar, senão o vídeo não volta.

Tenho essas mensagens no boot

May 10 11:37:53 localhost kernel[0]: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR $Num kSMCKeyNotFound(0x84) fKeyHashTable=0x0

May 10 11:37:53 localhost kernel[0]: SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode

Ao entrar em repouso

May 10 12:07:32 MacBook-Pro-de-Cassio kernel[0]: SMC::setPowerState ERROR: smcPublishSleepCause failed (kSMCKeyNotFound)

-Guides and Tutorials HERE

-Hackintosh Tutorial Database - HERE

-The largest EFI folder collection for Hackintosh HERE

-Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a donation HERE

-Professional Consulting for macOS Hackintosh since 2006 HERE


2410m é Sandy Bridge.

Did you have a solution to make speedstep doing for mine ?I can't load the AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext for mine .the path run for 10.73and 10.8,but 10.74,Maybe i only wait ML for a loog time.


ola bem instalei certim o update mas o patch AICPMPatch nao funcionou tive ki usar a kext null

olha a mensagem qui mostra no terminal

Mac-Pro-de-Hackintosh:AICPMPatch hackintosh$ sudo perl AICPMPatch.pl /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement --patch



arch: x86_64

found 12 wrmsr, should be 10, file is already patched or untested version

arch: i386

found 12 wrmsr, should be 10, file is already patched or untested version

esse patch na instalaçao do update 10.7.3 fuciona legal neste update deu esse erro obrigado.

lembrando qui instalei o combo update.

do 10.7 pra 10.7.4 abraxx e obrigado pela ajuda

• CPU: i7 2600k 3.4 GHz • Mobo: Asus Maximus Extreme 4 • RAM: 8 GB Corsair 1600Mhz • Cooler: H100 Corsair • Fonte: Corsair GS 800 • GPU: GTX 560 TI 2 GB • HD: Sandsung 250 GB • OS: Mac OS X 10.7.3 • Windows 7 •

Did you have a solution to make speedstep doing for mine ?I can't load the AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext for mine .the path run for 10.73and 10.8,but 10.74,Maybe i only wait ML for a loog time.

This is portuguese forum, please use english forum http://Olarila.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=15


ola bem instalei certim o update mas o patch AICPMPatch nao funcionou tive ki usar a kext null

Baixe o patcher novamente, você deve estar usando uma versão antiga.

-Guides and Tutorials HERE

-Hackintosh Tutorial Database - HERE

-The largest EFI folder collection for Hackintosh HERE

-Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a donation HERE

-Professional Consulting for macOS Hackintosh since 2006 HERE


Muino obrigado amigo baxei e deu tudo certo muinto obrigado ...

• CPU: i7 2600k 3.4 GHz • Mobo: Asus Maximus Extreme 4 • RAM: 8 GB Corsair 1600Mhz • Cooler: H100 Corsair • Fonte: Corsair GS 800 • GPU: GTX 560 TI 2 GB • HD: Sandsung 250 GB • OS: Mac OS X 10.7.3 • Windows 7 •

Boas a todos, alguem sabe se já saiu o instal 10.7.4 DMG ?


CPU: Intel i5-7600K 3.8 GHZ

MEM: 2x8 = 16GB G.Skill

HD: Samsung M.2 960 EVO 250GB



google mac os x 10.7.4 combo update

bom hack

PB Easy Note TM 86 - i5 430 M - H55M - Ram - 6 GB - Alc272 - Radeon HD 5470 512 QE/CI

Lenovo G500 - i5 3230m - HM77 - Ram - 8 GB - Conexant audio - HD 4000

My OS X Files 


Boas, artur-pt o 10.7.4 combo update eu sei que saiu, eu queria era saber o install 10.7.4.DMG!

Edite: Se saiu ou vai sair! :D


CPU: Intel i5-7600K 3.8 GHZ

MEM: 2x8 = 16GB G.Skill

HD: Samsung M.2 960 EVO 250GB


Beleza atualização perfeita

modifiquei a AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement Sandy Bridge mas tenho notado problemas

com o processador uso o app HWMONITOR para monitorar antes dava pra verificar

as frequencias do processador subindo e descendo agora ta fixo em x16.0

ja modifiquei o bootplist colocando o bus em 29, mas n adiantou nada

se alguem puder indicar uma luz


Motherboard:PCWARE IPMH61R2:Core i5 2310 2.9Ghz

GPU:XFX Radeon HD 6670 1 GB GDDR3 128 bits

Mem:8GB Kingston DDR3 1333 Ghz

bluetooth with Magic Mouse and keyboard USB

HDD:Samsung 1Tb "Lion 10.7.3" + Paralells Windows 8


Depois desta atualizacao o FakeSMC deixou de funcionar

SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode



Controller: Intel PCH (vendor ID: 8086, device ID: 3b56)

DSMOS has arrived

AppleIntelE1000e: Ethernet address 00:27:0e:34:11:ca

macx_swapon SUCCESS

AppleIntelE1000e(Info): Link is Up 100 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX

coreaudiod (map: 0xffffff8012948000) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff8012948000, region 0x7fff93000000->0x7fff93200000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tm0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TS2p kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TO0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TC0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TC0H kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TL0p kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp1P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp2H kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp3H kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR T10P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TA0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TG0D kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TH0O kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TC0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TN0H kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IG0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR ICVR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IC0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IDSR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VC0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VDSR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VC8R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VM0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VCVR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VG0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VDPr kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VDPR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PM1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PDSR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PH3Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PCAB kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PNTR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PH5Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PMBS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PC0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PN0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PB0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PC2C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pe1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PCAC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PO0Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pe3S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PD0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PeBS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PN1R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PG0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pp1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ps2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PH2Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ps4S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PM2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PH4Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PCBB kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PMAS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PC1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pe2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PeAS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PN0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PCBC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pe4S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PN2R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pp0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PP0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PG1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ps1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PG0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PH1Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80122e5c00

CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x100000000): p=209[smartDaemon] clearing CS_VALID



O meu nã deixou de funcionar! Mas recebo estes 2 erros!

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR $Num kSMCKeyNotFound(0x84) fKeyHashTable=0x0

SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode


CPU: Intel i5-7600K 3.8 GHZ

MEM: 2x8 = 16GB G.Skill

HD: Samsung M.2 960 EVO 250GB


SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR $Num kSMCKeyNotFound(0x84) fKeyHashTable=0x0

SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode

Eu também vejo essas mensagens no log, mas nenhum problema aparente http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1303#p11628


Depois desta atualizacao o FakeSMC deixou de funcionar

Se tivesse deixado de funcionar você nem conseguiria entrar no sistema. Todas essas chaves não encontradas devem estar sendo lidas por algum app tipo iStat. A diferença é que agora a AppleSMC tem verbose, antes não tinha.

-Guides and Tutorials HERE

-Hackintosh Tutorial Database - HERE

-The largest EFI folder collection for Hackintosh HERE

-Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a donation HERE

-Professional Consulting for macOS Hackintosh since 2006 HERE

Cassio aparentemente também não vejo nenhum problema! ;)


CPU: Intel i5-7600K 3.8 GHZ

MEM: 2x8 = 16GB G.Skill

HD: Samsung M.2 960 EVO 250GB


Só tem um problema nesta atualização o suporte ao TRIM SSD non-apple SSD drivers, não funciona, quem fizer aconselho antes ter um outro sistema para bootar e restaurar o IOAHCIFamily.kext (pode ser o DVD de instalação no prompt de comando), pois ao ativar o suporte ao TRIM com multishit o danado não boota mais. ACHO QUE A APPLE CORRIGIU ISSO.

Eu também vejo essas mensagens no log, mas nenhum problema aparente http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1303#p11628

Isso também passou a acontecer comigo. Pensei que atualizando a FakeSMC resolveria erro, mas continua assim. Pelo que percebi algumas kexts nativas foram alteradas e isso deve causar esse tipo de situação.

Mas o sistema funciona BEM do mesmo jeito!

iMac 19,2 (10.15.4) + Win 10 @ OpenCore UEFI Dual Boot

H310M-S2P | i3 8100 | 16GB DDR4 | UHD 630 + RX 580 (PowerColor) | ALC887 | Realtek RTL8118 | TP-Link WN781ND


Eu acho que isso não tem nada haver com FakeSMC porque possuo um iMac21 no iMac original não existe FakeSMC e também aparece as mesmas mensagens:

bash-3.2# dmesg

PMAP: PCID enabled

Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.0: Mon Apr 9 19:32:15 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.26.8~1/RELEASE_X86_64

vm_page_bootstrap: 4065514 free pages and 96022 wired pages

kext submap [0xffffff7f80732000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000732000]

zone leak detection enabled

standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us

mig_table_max_displ = 73

TSC Deadline Timer supported and enabled

AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=0 Enabled

AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=2 Enabled

AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=4 Enabled

AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=4 LocalApicId=6 Enabled

AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=5 LocalApicId=255 Disabled

AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=6 LocalApicId=255 Disabled

AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=7 LocalApicId=255 Disabled

AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=8 LocalApicId=255 Disabled

calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet

Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)

calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox

Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)

calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine

Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)

Copyright © 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993

The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

MAC Framework successfully initialized

using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers

IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87

ACPI: System State [s0 S3 S4 S5]

PFM64 (36 cpu) 0xf10000000, 0xf0000000

[ PCI configuration begin ]

AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: Turbo Ratios 1378

AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 19:39:51 Apr 9 2012) initialization complete

console relocated to 0xf10010000

PCI configuration changed (bridge=16 device=4 cardbus=0)

[ PCI configuration end, bridges 12 devices 17 ]

mbinit: done [128 MB total pool size, (85/42) split]

Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused

com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start

com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start

com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded

com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded

AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready

FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5901 built-in now active, GUID c82a14fffeb3cfbe; max speed s800.

USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000009833 0x5ac 0x8403 0x9833

USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 5A440FFFFFFF 0x152d 0x2329 0x100

[iOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService

ath_get_caps[4038] rx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0

1.043117: ath_get_caps[4013] tx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0

1.048017: Atheros: mac 448.3 phy 34.8 radio 0.0

1.048026: Use hw queue 0 for WME_AC_BE traffic

1.048033: Use hw queue 1 for WME_AC_BK traffic

1.048039: Use hw queue 2 for WME_AC_VI traffic

1.048046: Use hw queue 3 for WME_AC_VO traffic

1.048052: Use hw queue 8 for CAB traffic

1.048058: Use hw queue 9 for beacons

1.048131: wlan_vap_create : enter. devhandle=0x9fd1d610, opmode=IEEE80211_M_STA, flags=0x1

1.048172: wlan_vap_create : exit. devhandle=0x9fd1d610, opmode=IEEE80211_M_STA, flags=0x1.

1.048265: start[1012] sc->sc_inuse_cnt is at offset: 203c, sizeof(_sc->sc_ic) is 25e8

rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 8965C53B-2062-3A65-9DC0-A300B3D37C13

Waiting on IOProviderClassIOResourcesIOResourceMatchboot-uuid-media

Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleIntelPchSeriesAHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/WDC WD10EARS-00Y5B1 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/DADOS@2

BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2

Kernel is LP64

CoreStorage: fsck has finished successfully for lvg "197C9A3D-DC3D-470B-A933-8D55C733F07D"

BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address bla:bla:bla:bla:bla:bla

AirPort_AtherosNewma40: Ethernet address bla:bla:bla:bla:bla:bla

IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete(): adding AppleEFINVRAM notification


Previous Shutdown Cause: -128

SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode

** Device in slot: SLOT--1 **

DSMOS has arrived

AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).

16.344017: setDISASSOC from ATH_INTERFACE_CLASS disconnectVap

16.344036: switchVap from 1 to 1

[ffffff8020f30400][bNBMouseDevice::init][70.12] init is complete

[ffffff8020f30400][bNBMouseDevice::handleStart][70.12] returning 1

[ffffff80217b5400][AppleMultitouchHIDEventDriver::start] entered

macx_swapon SUCCESS

16.622543: performCountryCodeOperation: Not connected, scan in progress[0]

16.622557: performCountryCodeOperation: No scan in progress, disconnect VAP

16.622568: setDISASSOC from ATH_INTERFACE_CLASS disconnectVap

16.632698: setWOW_PARAMETERS:wowevents = 2(1)

[ffffff8021cb4d00][AppleMultitouchDevice::start] entered

18.110386: setWOW_PARAMETERS:wowevents = 2(1)

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IN0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ie1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IB0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR ICAC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IC2C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ie3S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IeBS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR ID0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IO0Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IG0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IF0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ip1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IH2Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IM2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR ICBB kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IMAS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IH4Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IC1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IBAC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ie2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IC0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IeAS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IN1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IN0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ie4S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR ICBC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IN2R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ip0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IP0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IG1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IH1Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IM1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR ICAB kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IH3Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IH5Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IMBS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VDSR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VCVR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PDS2 kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PDSR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80206d4000

en1: BSSID changed to bla:bla:bla:bla:bla:bla

AirPort: Link Up on en1

en1: BSSID changed to bla:bla:bla:bla:bla:bla

utun_ctl_connect: creating interface utun0

AppleSRP started.

AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/Applications, pid 257

AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/2TB-MAC, pid 257

Resetting IOCatalogue.

450.572792: __wbuf_map_single_tx: dma mapping failed for wbuf 0xffffff81c7feda00

450.572797: ---- __wbuf_map_sg[1284] Failed to Map Single Tx ----

CoreStorage: background_transform: exiting with 0


As mensagens são da AppleSMC, que até a versão anterior não mostrava nada no log, nada a ver com a FakeSMC.

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Meu hack não sobe de jeito nenhum com 10.7.4.

Tinha uma bios patcheada da minha asus p8p67-m rodando legal com AICPM original da 10.7.3.

Por recomendação de um colega do grupo Olarila do facebook, troquei a bios pela original, apliquei o speedstepper no AICPM 10.7.4, subi com ssdt, mas mesmo assim dá um erro, de dependênica.. vejam só:


Não to conseguindo fazer o patched do dsdt também, se alguém puder me ajudar, agradeço!!


valeu, muito obrigado!


Asus P8p67-m (Bios 3602)

Intel core i7 2600


Depois de atualizar para 10.7.4, perdi minhas portas USB, ele mostra a tela de login só que não passa disso, meu mouse não funciona, e nem meu teclado, tenho um teclado PS2, mas não tenho um mouse PS2, vou testar com outro mouse depois.

Tai a tela que mostra quando eu inicio com -x -v, não consegui entender muito bem qual o problema, se alguem puder me ajudar lançe uma luz ai :)

Primeira imagem:


Segunda imagem:



Pelas kexts que você usa (NullCPUPM, HDAEnabler) imagino que tenha usado uma distro e tinha kexts USB modificadas, que foram substituídas no update. Recomendo uma instalação limpa e aplicar os patches USB na DSDT.

-Guides and Tutorials HERE

-Hackintosh Tutorial Database - HERE

-The largest EFI folder collection for Hackintosh HERE

-Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a donation HERE

-Professional Consulting for macOS Hackintosh since 2006 HERE

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