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thank add for admin forum :)

Hello sir,

down I do not know how I am a beginner for how to step by step to install a mac in a laptop for how it works?

my config laptop:

CPU Intel Haswell Core i7 4510U

8 gb Ram Memory

Motherbord from Lenovo


Intel HD Graphics 4400

SSD 250 Go Samsung

thank you



[ref]rodriguem7973[/ref], Copy EFI folder from USB to SSD?


Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)


thank you

solved !



Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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