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HP EliteBook 840 G1 - battery status 0% - Random Freezing

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I use HP EliteBook 840 G1 laptop

[list=]Core i7-4600U CPU

8 GB of DDR3 RAM

Intel HD Graphics 4400

500 GB HD

I used mojave Olarila image 10.14.5

and use Olarila Clover Folder

Everything works fine, Thank you Olarila

but There are only two problems

1- battery status 0% I do not know how to fix it by dsdt :(

2- Random Freezing in the system, Is there a solution? i use Hackintool to fix Intel HD Graphics 4400 & sound

Thank you ..

  • Administrators

[ref]amro-agha[/ref], no idea, need check what cause it

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Last question, please

When using a method ([Guide] HP ProBook/EliteBook/Zbook using Clover UEFI hotpatch)

When you restart the system, the following problem appears

The picture is an example of the same problem

clover bootloader not showing drives


Any suggestions help me!

  • Administrators

[ref]amro-agha[/ref], hotpatch = nonsense

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