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Boot from USB hangs on Gigabyte x299 Aorus Gaming 7


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i try to install Mojave 10.14 on a Gigabyte x299 Gaming 7 with a GTX1080 but i can´t get into the installer. I created a usb key with etcher by using your image. Most it hangs on the screen i attached, but i also got more forward but then gut a kp. I already tried booting from USB3 and USB2, Config.plist v1 and v2, -x flag and a lot of other combinations in the boot flags.

What can I do?





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I replaced the clover folder by another one especially for x299. Now the error doesn´t appear but after the grey screen and the mouse cursor appears the screen gets black and crashes. When booting with -x flag i get the error in the screenshot.

What does it mean NVME problem? How to solve this?


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is a uefi driver problem

check if 4g enconding is enable or disable in bios

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[ref]oktakock[/ref], u use last aptiomemoryfix?

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exactly this one i already used. i copied it again and the problem still exists: the grey installation background appears with the mouse cursor for few seconds and then the screen becomes black. with -x bootflag i get a kernel panic.

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