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samsung series 5 ultra laptop high Sierra help!!!


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hello everyone, I've tried lots of time to install Mojave on my laptop but it wanted but, 'I've managed to boot and install high Sierra, only with these clover options: debug dsdt, debug cpu, kernel xcml sister io and patch pic, but I don't know how to save these on my config plist.

then video is not working, I have hd graphics 4000 and I have no hardware acceleration, no audio, no hdmi, no iMessage and does not recognise my apple account.

and I would like to have battery indicator, could I use the ones from rehab man of series 3 samsung?

I'll attach config.plist and hw info, could you help me please??


config and hwinfo.zip

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config and hwinfo.zip

(23.37 KiB) Not downloaded yet


Run this instead http://Olarila.com/files/Utils/RunMe.app.zip

And post full laptop model and specifications.


Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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