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No sleep with GA-965P-S3


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Ola Maldon.

You helped me get SL working smoothly and now with Lion I almost have it fully working except for sleep. Audio, graphics (32bit because its a Geforce 7300 series) and networking all work. When I attempt to put it to sleep I just get a black screen, everything else stays running. I double click the mouse button and the screen comes back and the computer runs as normal. Sleep just will not work. I have removed nullcpupowermanagement and also bin patched AppleRTC to no avail. I am using iAtkos L1 build.

Please find the attached dsdt, kernel log and kextlist




OSX Lion 10.7.2 (Apple Update to 10.7.4)

Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 - rev3.3 - F14 BIOS (Chameleon v2.1 r2035)

Asus GeForce 8400GS 1Gb DDR3

E6420 Duo Core 2 | 4Gb RAM

23" Apple Cinema Display | BT Apple Magic Mouse | HP GX607AA Webcam

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Does this board really have USB 3.0? If it doesn't you may try removing kext PXHCD.


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Does this board really have USB 3.0? If it doesn't you may try removing kext PXHCD.


I have a pcie card. This rig works fine with Snow Leopard. Same driver too.

OSX Lion 10.7.2 (Apple Update to 10.7.4)

Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 - rev3.3 - F14 BIOS (Chameleon v2.1 r2035)

Asus GeForce 8400GS 1Gb DDR3

E6420 Duo Core 2 | 4Gb RAM

23" Apple Cinema Display | BT Apple Magic Mouse | HP GX607AA Webcam

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Actually I thought about this today and you may be onto something here. When I was trying to get this card working in SL I had a similar problem. My SL I used retail and a modified Lacie driver for usb3. For Lion I used iAtkos L1 which included a usb3 driver. Not exactly the same one I have with SL so I will try to remove it and see if it does the trick.

OSX Lion 10.7.2 (Apple Update to 10.7.4)

Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 - rev3.3 - F14 BIOS (Chameleon v2.1 r2035)

Asus GeForce 8400GS 1Gb DDR3

E6420 Duo Core 2 | 4Gb RAM

23" Apple Cinema Display | BT Apple Magic Mouse | HP GX607AA Webcam

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Sure enough thats what it was. Removed the kext, ran kextutil and I was then able to sleep. Installed the kext I had in my SL build and drives appeared and was still able to sleep. Back in action.

OSX Lion 10.7.2 (Apple Update to 10.7.4)

Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 - rev3.3 - F14 BIOS (Chameleon v2.1 r2035)

Asus GeForce 8400GS 1Gb DDR3

E6420 Duo Core 2 | 4Gb RAM

23" Apple Cinema Display | BT Apple Magic Mouse | HP GX607AA Webcam

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I knew it was too good to be true. Upgraded my SL to Lion (via iAtkos L1), updated to 10.7.2. Proceeded to install the AppleHDA rollback as my DSDT is set to use ALC888 (as it has been working in SL and tested in another install of Lion). But now I have no audio and System Profiler shows as having 885 ID (even though DSDT is configured for 888). ARGH!

Any ideas?

OSX Lion 10.7.2 (Apple Update to 10.7.4)

Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 - rev3.3 - F14 BIOS (Chameleon v2.1 r2035)

Asus GeForce 8400GS 1Gb DDR3

E6420 Duo Core 2 | 4Gb RAM

23" Apple Cinema Display | BT Apple Magic Mouse | HP GX607AA Webcam

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Yep, no more that 5 minutes posting I found I had hdaenabler kept. Weird it was working fine before with SL. Right now working like butter. Thanks for the tips.

OSX Lion 10.7.2 (Apple Update to 10.7.4)

Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 - rev3.3 - F14 BIOS (Chameleon v2.1 r2035)

Asus GeForce 8400GS 1Gb DDR3

E6420 Duo Core 2 | 4Gb RAM

23" Apple Cinema Display | BT Apple Magic Mouse | HP GX607AA Webcam

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After my build died due to filesystem corruption I have spent countless hours trying to reinstall Lion. I've narrowed it down to a faulty nic (onboard nic). Every time I try to rebuild iAtkos L2 with the drive for this nic the machine fails to boot into the desktop. Even if I install Lion without this kext at first and install later the machine just freezes. So I got around that by using a USB wireless NIC (RealTek RTL8192SU which I obtained the drives from http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=48&PFid=48&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#2317 directly).

Now my machine can not sleep (Screen goes black and drives appear to shutdown but fans still continue to run). I do not have any USB3 drivers installed and for Audio I'm using patched ALC8xx and Rollback kexts (From multishit) with proper DSDT coding.

My guess is it may be the wireless drivers that could be causing this but I'm not certain as I did obtain them directly from RealTek.

Attached are a kextstat dump and my dsdt.





Muito Obregado

Edit: I fixed this issue, forgot what I did but its no longer an issue.

OSX Lion 10.7.2 (Apple Update to 10.7.4)

Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 - rev3.3 - F14 BIOS (Chameleon v2.1 r2035)

Asus GeForce 8400GS 1Gb DDR3

E6420 Duo Core 2 | 4Gb RAM

23" Apple Cinema Display | BT Apple Magic Mouse | HP GX607AA Webcam

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