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OSXWIFI - Unable to boot in PCI-E x1 slot


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Hi All,

To make my Hack support bluetooth and wifi natively I purchased this card https://www.amazon.com/OSXWiFi-Hackintosh-Continuity-BCM94360CD-Bluetooth/dp/B012LOT512/ref=lp_13613752011_1_2?srs=13613752011&ie=UTF8&qid=1543552523&sr=8-2.

I have a rampage 5 extreme and I tried installing the card in the PCIE_X1_1 slot as in the diagram below.


When I boot the hack, I get stuck in the following screen followed by Stop sign with scrambled text.


Any help here is highly appreciated.

Specs: Asus Rampage V Extreme V1 Patched Bios 3104 | Core i7-5820k @ 3.3ghz | Nvidia GTX 970 | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 | Samsung 840 Pro 256GB | Sandisk 128GB x 2 | UEFI Clover r5.0.0.0 running Sierra 10.13.6


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Look at items E and F of my guide above.

Those verbose message indicates you had not done custom usb port ssdt


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Thanks oneman. The reason I didn't add those Kexts are because this card should be natively supported.

I actually removed them from S/L/E before I Installed this card. But gave a shot with your suggestion I was able to login successfully and bluetooth keeps dropping. Can you suggest how I can do the custom usb port ssdt ?

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