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High Sierra - YouTube videos fast forward or skip to end


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I have this weird problem, maybe other have it too: on many websites that have embedded video content (youtube, google photos, sometimes fecebook, not vimeo though) the video playback either start on fast forward either skips directly at the end of the video. In some days it works fine - I can't really tell if it could be the youtube encoding for certain videos that work and a different encoding for the ones that don't. Also IINA video player (based on mpv/ffmpeg) sometimes plays only the audio of the video I am trying to watch, freezes video at first frame and progress bar stays at 00:00 - while audio plays normal.

Any ideas?

HS10.13.6, i72600K, asus p8-z68 v pro (first gen), nvidia 1060

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[ref]StevenToast[/ref], use it with last clover version



generate one ssdt for good PM


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Hi, managed to shut down earlier than planned, here is the RunMe result with your exact clover files. I booted from a USB drive. Intel Power Gadget shows the CPU at 1.60 GHz all the time, does not go to 4.4 GHz anymore. The BIOS is patched for Hackintosh (I don't remember the utility) but I think you know what I am talking about.

Send me STUDIO-LAN.home.zip

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So your opinion is that if I restore the BIOS to unpatched original ASUS version and give your clover a try again, the chances are it will work with my configuration?

Just to clarify, my motherboard is the very first P8-Z68 V pro model, not gen2/3 or whatever models appeared on the market.

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[ref]StevenToast[/ref], use my clover folder above and extract new SEND_ME

u generate one ssdt for good Power Management?

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I have:

1. replaced BIOS with unpatched one and restored all settings (including overclock)

2. generated SSDT again, copy on USB, boot from USB

3. generated new SendMe 3 file

Notes: If I set CPU in bios to default, it stays at 3.4 GHz. If I set CPU to Overclock XMP profile 100 x 44, then it stays at 1.6 GHz. I need overclock, otherwise 3.4 is too slow.

At start (verbose) I can see

DSMOS has arrived

Unsupported CPU

Unsupported CPU

Unsupported PCH

P-State stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 in CPU 1

P-State stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 in CPU 2


P-State stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 in CPU 6

P-State stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 in CPU 0


bdmesg|grep -y \.aml
1:163  0:001  - DSDT.AML
2:761  0:000  DSDT found in Clover volume OEM folder: EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched\DSDT.aml
3:038  0:000  === [ ACPIPatchedAML ] ====================================
3:038  0:000  Inserting SSDT.AML from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: ignore on pass 1
3:038  0:000  === [ ACPIPatchedAML ] ====================================
3:038  0:000  Inserting SSDT.AML from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=1694 ... Success

Send me 3 STUDIO-LAN.home.zip

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