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RX 580 Nitro + 4GB and 4k monitor

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I was living a dream, with my GTX 970 in the High Sierra. Then I had an opportunity to buy a RX 580. Thinking it would be even more compatible with the macos. Until I get home, and I install it on my machine.

I use a 4k UHD Philips monitor. But in RX 580 it does not work on macos, only on windows. The strange thing is that on windows works 100%, 4k in 60hz on HDMI 2.0. If I put in my old Samsung fullhd 27, it works normally. 1080p 60hz

Video with the problem ...


As you can see in the video, Mojave recognizes it as a RX 570. And then I discovered this ... https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/279010-amd-launches-new-rx-580-with-fewer- stream-processors



My setup.

Gigabyte Z97-D3H

i7 4970

RX 580 Nitro + 4Gb

16 gb corsair Vengeance 1866 Mhz

1 TB 7200 rpm

Corsair Neutron Gtx 120gb

Corsair CX750

Corsair H90 - 250

Corsair 500R - 350


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