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hi, sorry by my english, this is my first hack. I have 2 mothers, intel db75en or intel dq77kb, then i use i3 3225 with 8gb of ram and ssd 120gb and 2tb mecanic disk. Which mother can help me to find easy setup and instalation?

if the hack working (the next month :), i try to replace with more powerfull hardware

thx of argentine

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[ref]nando29[/ref], both, use our image Olarila High Sierra

what GPU u have?

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hi maldon, in the begining i try to use gpu in i3 3225. its hd4000, if not possible i ll buy the low entry level of nvidia. why try to use a hackintosh?, cos i ll buy a mac to my wife, but first i try to make the hack to her. Basic use. If she feel well, then i go to the apple store , thx

PD: my english is tooooo bad

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[ref]nando29[/ref], buy one GPU, a RX560 is a good cost benefit

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