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Help Installation Mojave on Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Gaming


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[edit 1 - added 2 images after/before kernel panic]

[edit 2 - added SATA AHCI mode]

Hello everyone, first of all i want to say thanks for everything you share in this post, it was very helpful to make my very old Sony Vaio work with Mac OS.

I am trying for at least 2 months to install Mac OS on my main laptop, but i just can't reach the Installer Screen :help

Every time i get stuck in Verbose boot, with different messages, somethimes got something like Copyright Apple~ stuff, but never reach at least installation screen :wallbash

Full specs of my laptop (most important highlighted on the img):


(Missing something important? ask me and ill add as soon as possible)

This is a DUAL Graphics LAPTOP, i know my nvidia 1050Ti won't work, and i don't have problem with that :D i use windows for gaming hehe.

What i've tried so far:

-Different Olarila High sierra and Mojave images.

-Creating usb from Mac OS (hackintosh) and Windows

-Different config.plist on the images



-no_compat_check (the flag for compatibility check)

Bios Setup:

-VT-direct disabled

-Virtualization disabled

-Secure boot disabled

-Network boot disabled

-Sata mode to AHCI instead RAID

Important: Almost Every USB which i make (windows or mac) is able to reach installation screen in the old sony vaio, so is not an usb error (i think)

I hope someone can help me, i want Mac OS on this laptop where i can work and practice my studies.

Thanks to everyone!



Edited by Guest
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idk, u need check what cause it


This laptop only has 3.1 USB ports, so the fix was use a 2.0 recognized brand USB, (Kingston in my case) and it worked perfectly.. That was the issue

Hope this can help anyone with my same problem on this good laptop for gaming (and now for Hackintosh :D!)

mark thread as closed :)

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