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DSDT Patch Request and Help


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[ref]Mee2[/ref], DSDT.aml.zip


Thank you....

But, I request DSDT for my laptop....




I use Usb Audio interface....not apple alc...




Patched by MaLdon.....is not my PCI card....

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[ref]Mee2[/ref], if u don't use applealc, audio don't load

u can use a applehdadisabler too


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[ref]Mee2[/ref], i don't share my patches, in old time i shared many, check here in Olarila

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[ref]fabriktwo[/ref], DSDT.aml.zip

use it, reboot and extract SEND_ME with new version


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[ref]fabriktwo[/ref], u use one DSDT with my full patches, looks good

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Can I have the txt file to be able to install as well?

My system report (thanks to the DSDT file you sent) in the PCI devices start to work immediately.

I just would like your help to understand all the injects and other configurations that I can remove. (like USBInjectall.Kext and etc)

Thank you very much


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