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Lenovo B4310 USB 0X1E2D don't work


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Lenovo B4310 USB 0X1E2D don't work

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I defined the USB port with USBInjectAll.kext+SSDT-UIAC-ALL.dsl, 0X1E26 and 0X1E31 work fine, but 0X1E2D don't work。

The boot progress bar is very slow and takes about 2 minutes to enter Macos, how can this be solved?

DSDT is done by @MaLd0n for me. Please help me find out how to solve this problem? Thank you!


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remove ssdt usb, use only usbinjectall

OK, delete ssdt, modify the info.plist of USBInjectAll.kext to solve the problem.

There is still a problem that makes me very nervous. No matter at 10.12 and 10.13 and 10.14 HD4000 QE/CI can't work, I have been looking for a long time on the search engine, there is no solution.

I used the latest WhateverGreen.kext+Lilu.kext, SMBIOS set to MacBook Pro 9.2 ig-platform-id set to 0x01660003, still can not solve the problem, ask for help.

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