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Intel 520 Graphics 4mb


You have to enable the proper SMBIOS settings in your config.plist file in EFI/CLOVER and then you need to find the proper ig-platform-id under graphics in Clover Configurator (I believe yours would be for Skylake) just click the arrow on the side of that box and select the proper ID that goes with your graphics. Then select inject intel inject edid and reboot. If that doesn't work then try also enabling load vbios under the same settings and then enter in 1024 in the vbios ram amount box. Then reboot and if it still doesn't work you need to find a proper patch to enter into the kexts to patch portion of clover config. Oh also make sure you have the correct kexts either installed into you system or present in the EFI/ELOVER/Kexts/Other folder. IntelGraphicsFixup.kext (that should be there prior to trying anything) Rehab man has it in his repo on bitbucket. Good luck bro I had to figure that out with a lot of searching so hopefully it'll save some people some time. I have a ThinkPad though but its running intel graphics on Broadwell which is similar to Skylake so it should be about the same.

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