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Guide - MSI B360 Gaming Arctic (Catalina)


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Update: Success! Updated to 10.15 with no known issues.

Update: Success! Updated to 10.14.2 with no known issues.

Update: Installed M.2 NVME SSD as System Drive https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=68842#p68842

Update: Enabling Intel Quick Sync feature https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=62172#p62172

Update: Success! Beta to Mojave official release https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=61504#p61504

Update: Cinebench and Geekbench results https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=61023#p61023

Update: Framebuffer patching with WhateverGreen and related findings https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=61101#p61101

Update: Enable USB ports with DSDT edit https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=61162#p61162

Update: Enable USB ports without injector kext (a continuation) https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=62887#p62887

Update: USB Type C Port not detecting devices properly https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=63533#p63533

Update: Freebie! Custom USB kext! https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=64623#p64623

Update: DSDT vs SSDT USB Injection which is better for me? https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=65095#p65095


I try to be in depth for this build article. And I do hope this step by step guide is useful for new hackintoshers.

I will split this article into 3 main steps:


1. Setting up motherboard bios and pre-installation

2. Setting up clover bootloader post-installation

3. Hacks method (DSDT extract and fixes)


Please note that this is work in progress and there may be steps which I have not implemented or not known to my knowledge. So, do assist me if I had left out steps or if there are better methodology than the one I had written in this article.


For this build I will be using the hardware below


1. MSI B360 Gaming Arctic motherboard

2. 16GB 2666MHz RAM

3. I5-8600 Coffee Lake CPU

4. Asus RX580 8GB GPU

5. 250GB SSD as bootable device




Setting up motherboard bios


1. Boot into bios setting by pressing “DELETE” button

2. Settings>Advanced>Super IO Configuration

a. Here we will disable both Serial and Parallel Port Config

3. Settings>Advanced>Integrated Peripherals

a. Set SATA mode to AHCI

4. Settings>Advanced>Integrated Graphics Configuration

a. Integrated Graphics Memory set to 64MB

b. IGD Multi-Monitor set to Enabled

5. Settings>Advanced>USB Configuration

a. Enable USB Controller

b. Enable XHCI Hand-Off

c. Enable Legacy USB Support

6. Settings>Boot

a. Set Boot Select Mode as Legacy+UEFI


Having done the above save and exit. End for Bios Setting


Creating USB Image for Mojave Beta


In this exercise, I will be using the vanilla image equipped with clover and essentials kexts created by @MaLd0n


Boot Desktop with Mojave USB stick


In this build we will be utilizing UEFI boot system


1. Insert USB into an empty USB slot. Preferable in a USB 2.0 port

2. Press Power button of desktop and press F11 Key repeatedly to get into boot option

3. Choose UEFI: Generic Flash Disk i.e your USB Mojave




4. Once greeted with Clover bootloader, got to Options menu, go to Graphics tab and input fake-id as in the picture below (in this example, I am using intel HD graphics for installation)



Installing MacOS Mojave on SSD


If all goes well, we will find ourselves at the installation page. Here we will use the Disk Utility to partition our SSD drive in as GUID partition and use APFS as file system.

I named my SSD partition as OSXMOJAVE. You may choose other names of your choice. Proceed with installation.


System will resume installation and will be required to reboot. Once reboot, at Clover page got to options and change intel graphics fake id like in previous step. Then, choose the option “Install MacOS from OSXMOJAVE”. Remember, to change graphics fake id to 0x12345678 before proceeding.


Installation will resume and finish.


We have now installed Mojave OS on our SSD! But, we will not be able to boot directly from SSD yet. For that, we will install Clover boot loader to SSD


Installing Clover Bootloader on SSD


In Olarila USB stick find a folder named “Files” and look for clover installation file.


Run the app. Click Continue, Continue then click customise and choose

a. Clover for UEFI Booting only option

b. Install Clover in the ESP.





Clover UEFI Drivers


- Initially, I was using Aptiomemoryfix driver. But, this driver is causing problems of corrupted config.plist. Similar problem also occurs with AptioFixDrv-64 with kernel panics.

So far, AptioFixDrv2-64 + EmuVariableUefi-64 is stable. Perhaps this is an issue for 300 series MSI boards only.


EDIT: With the recent clover driver (clover r4972) and updated bios version, Aptiomemoryfix is working good.


- Don't forget to choose ApfsDriverLoader-64 when installing clover





Click Install to finish installation.


Once installation is done, we will mount EFI partition of Olarila USB using ESP Mounter app (find in “Files” folder)

a. Mount EFI partition of USB Stick.

b. Open partition and copy EFI folder

c. Go back to ESP mounter and now mount SSD

d. Paste EFI of Olarila USB to SSD EFI partition

e. Click save.


You can now boot directly from SSD without Olarila USB.


To be continued in next Post.


Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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By this time, I had placed my Radeon RX580 unto the motherboard. So, from now on I will use the RX580 as my main gpu.



1. Graphics





a. Radeon RX580 – works out of the box with whatevergreen and lilu kexts

b. UHD 630 – Using device properties for WhatEverGreen will break analogue sound but not HDMI. However, using old method of choosing fakeid and ig-platform-id in clover with device id 0x3e920003 and fake id 0x3e928086 and check "inject-intel" will bring back analogue sound.






2. Sound for audio codec Realtek ALC892



– AppleALC and lilu kexts

- Place kexts in Clover>Kexts>Other

- Use Layout id = 1 in Clover


3. USB ports


- USBInjectAll kext + custom ssdt method



- FB patcher method – Use generated USBPower.kext alongside PMheart’s USB Port limit patch for Mojave Beta. USBInjectall can be

removed from system when using this method.



- PMHearts USB Port Limit Kext to Patch (Patch not working from 10.14.1 onwards)






4. PCIe Wifi Card

- https://www.aliexpress.com/item/WTXUP-for-Broadcom-BCM94360CS2-1200Mbps-802-11ac-PCI-E-Wireless-WiFi-Adapter-WLAN-Card-Bluetooth-4/32871539519.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.24.72bf512ac1uXxf&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_5017015_10065_10068_10059_5016815_10696_100031_10084_10083_5017115_10103_451_452_10618_5016915_10307,searchweb201603_2,ppcSwitch_5&algo_expid=2ca0624e-c27f-4f8a-b286-10efd2288719-3&algo_pvid=2ca0624e-c27f-4f8a-b286-10efd2288719&priceBeautifyAB=0


- Broadcom BCM943602CS Wifi (Place kext in Clover>kexts>other)

- AirportBrcmFixup.kext https://github.com/acidanthera/AirportBrcmFixup

- Lilu.kext v1.2.5 or later (https://github.com/acidanthera/Lilu)


- Broadcom BCM943602CS Bluetooth (Place kext in Clover>kexts>other)

Guide: https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/os-x-brcmpatchram

- BrcmFirmwareData.kext

- BrcmPatchRam2.kext


There are also other ways to enable wifi without using kexts mentioned above.


If you are interested, you can read up here http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=68188#p68188


5. DSDT Renames


- Rename GFX0 to IGPU

- H_EC to EC



- SAT0 to SATA


6. DSDT Patches




- Darwin



- RTC fix

- IRQs fix


- BUS1




In summary - The only kexts I use for this build (clover>kexts>others)


- ALC892 Audio Codec = AppleALC.kext + Lilu.kext

- Intel I219V7 Ethernet port = IntelMausiEthernet.kext

- UsbPower generated with FB Patcher app for custom usb port injection

update: nowadays, I use custom ssdt for my USB ports


- VirtualSMC or FakeSMC (use either one, NOT BOTH) ---> compulsory kext

- for Graphics = WhatEverGreen.kext + Lilu.kext



Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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Did a couple of benchmark tests.

I think this hack is fairly good with a close readout between MacOS and Windows




Geekbench results against Windows reveals a better result! Wow!




Final Words: With these results and daily usage of the build including rendering videos, I am pleased to say that the build has been running smooth with no technical glitches.


Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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In my previous post, I had mentioned injecting platform id via devices properties will break analogue sound and hence to use clover injection instead in order to regain analogue sound.

However, if I inject layout id as such with ig platform id in device properties using WhateverGreen, analogue sound is back and there is no reason to use clover injection anymore.

Here, I am using ig-platform id 0x3E910003



Note: I am using layout id = 1 for my setup. If you are using a different layout id than mine, you should change it.

Note2: Injecting layout id via devices properties will NOT over-ride injection in DSDT. So make sure any layout ID injection set at DSDT is taken off.

If you require,

-Setting DVMT for those who can't set it above 32 MB in BIOS (framebuffer-stolenmem / framebuffer-fbmem)

DVMT patch is not required for this motherboard. I am just doing this as an example on how to do the patching.

- Setting higher VRAM (framebuffer-unifiedmem)





More details : https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/334899-intel-framebuffer-patching-using-whatevergreen/

Edited by Guest


Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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Enable USB without kext injector Guerilla Style

UPDATE: To really take advantage of this method and avoid complication, one should enable all ports in dsdt and drop xhc oem ssdt table via clover. Thanks to [ref]MaLd0n[/ref], for pointing this out. USB ports seems to work even without PM Hearts's USB Port Limit patch it seems. :frantics


This is a guerilla style of DSDT patching to enable USB without kext injector. However, we will still need the usb port limit kext to patch.

Originally my DSDT only contains the below lines in Device RHUB under Device XHC.

Device (HS02)


Name (_ADR, 0x02) // _ADR: Address


Thus I simply added a simple script to enable method _UPC and _PLD and return it to One

Method (_UPC, 0, NotSerialized) // _UPC: USB Port Capabilities


Return (One)


Method (_PLD, 0, NotSerialized) // _PLD: Physical Location of Device


Return (One)


Since I already knew which ports to enable, I dived into the respective used ports for my system. Compile, save DSDT file and remove UsbPower.kext and reboot!



.. and that's how I enabled USB ports without any injector kexts or ssdts. :superman

Link: https://pikeralpha.wordpress.com/2016/07/13/simple-skylake-usb-fix-no-kexts-required/


Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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The most anticipated day had finally arrived for the GM release of Mojave 10.14

And thus, the build was upgraded from beta to the official release with no hiccups so far.. yay!!



Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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I'm having problems using a same generation motherboard as the one of this guide.

I have a Gigabyte B360N WiFi with an i3-8100.

I want to use iGPU.

SMBIOS 18,1.

Problems related to iGPU in Mohave.

On High Sierra on this motherboard you have the frame buffet issue that is somehow solved with 3 KextToPatch entries.

But in the end you get acceleration in High Sierra.

I was hoping your guide would help but it doesn't.

I did some testing to try and find out the setting but I'm unable to get acceleration working.

Inject Intel: yes - ig-platform-id: 59120000 - FakeID: empty = OS Loads, No Acceleration, 31MB Video Memory

Inject Intel: yes - ig-platform-id: 59120000 - FakeID: 59128086 = System reboots at Apple Logo

Inject Intel: yes - ig-platform-id: 3E910003 - FakeID: 3E918086 = System reboots at Apple Logo

Inject Intel: yes - ig-platform-id: 3E910003 - FakeID: empty = System reboots at Apple Logo

Inject Intel: yes - ig-platform-id: 3E920003 - FakeID: 3E928086 = System reboots at Apple Logo

Inject Intel: yes - ig-platform-id: 3E920003 - FakeID: empty = System reboots at Apple Logo

Inject Intel: yes - ig-platform-id: 3E9B0007 - FakeID: 3E9B8086 = System reboots at Apple Logo

Inject Intel: yes - ig-platform-id: 3E9B0007 - FakeID: empty = System reboots at Apple Logo

Basically you load the OS only on 59120000 but with no acceleration.

Any help is woelcome.

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I had not tested the IGPU extensively other than looking at ioreg's details. I'm too lazy to disconnect my RX and flat screen on the wall doesnt help either LOL.

However, I found the following to produce acceleration (at least from my ioreg observation, that is):

1. Inject Intel: yes - ig-platform-id: 59120000 - FakeID: 59128086

2. inject Intel: yes - ig-platform-id: 3E9B0007 - FakeID: 3E9B8086

Have you tried a different smbios? say 18,2 or 18,3? It does have an effect to an extent


Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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Is that Quick Synch enabled from a SSDT cosmetic thing?


I have 2 motherboards:

1 - Gigabyte Z370N WiFi: Ridiculously easy to have acceleration and it all is working!

Device/Properties: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) -> AAPL,ig-platform-id: 07009B3E

Inject Intel checked (didn't test without)


2 - Gigabyte B360N WiFi: Unable to get Acceleration

I believe it has to be used Device/Properties and NOT ig-platform-id

I believe it has to be used PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) -> AAPL,ig-platform-id: 07009B3E

But such is not enough. With such you get the monitor that goes into stand by mode.

So some frame buffer, connectors patch need to be applied.

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Is that Quick Synch enabled from a SSDT cosmetic thing?

Yes! LOL

Lets hope future updates will enable the IGPU for B360 series,


Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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Enabling Intel Quick Sync

What I did:

1. enable integrated graphics in bios

2. PEG set as primary

3. Using Whatevergreen patching+ lilu

In About This Mac > Graphics/Dispplay, no trace of iGPU is shown except for the RX 580. However, in ioreg clearly IMEI is loaded and using MacX Video Converter Pro, prove that hardware encoding is enabled. So yeah, I initially thought About This Mac is an indicative but I got fooled :P

However, if you'd like to see the cosmetics display in About This Mac > Graphics/Display, injecting intel in clover with ig-platform-id is the way to go.



Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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Enable USB without kext injector (a continuation)

In my previous attempt to enable USB ports without any injector kext, it works with a simple script on DSDT. You may read the attempt made from this link here https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=61162#p61162.

However, I also noticed some errors in verbose. Though the errors does not seem to affect functionality of the enabled ports, I just had to delve into the matter. The solution is quite simple for the knowledgeable in programming language and I am not even in their ranks. :wallbash

Below are the errors I found and possibly with the correct package, the verbose can be eliminated rather easily.


For each usb devices in DSDT, I firstly determine what kind of ports they are by referring back to MSI handbook. With that knowledge in mind, here's what I did to the USB devices and its appropriate code to enable :

a. for USB external 2.0 ports


b. for USB 3.1 external port


c. for internal USB ports


d. for USB 3.0 external ports



Edited by Guest


Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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[ref]ford2201[/ref], there is nothing for nvidia in mojave :wallbash

AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, MSI MPG X570 Gaming Plus, Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 16GB DDR4 3200MHz, Sapphire rx 5700 XT, fractal celcius s36


HP Notebook - 15-ay028ca (Touch), 16 GB 2133 MHz DDR4, Intel HD Graphics 520 1536 MB

Asus z97-c i5, i5 4460, 32 GB 1648 MHz DDR3, Radeon RX 560 4096 MB, Corsair H75 Liquid CPU Cooler

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USB Type C not properly detecting device


MSI specifies this motherboard to have support for USB 3.1 Gen 2 and comes with a single USB type C port. I have a USB-C hub that has 3 USB 3.) type A ports, an SD card reader and a miniSD card reader slot. But, the ports would not be detected properly and this problem can be seen either by ioreg or USB devices in System Report. The early methods managed to detect card readers and USB type A ports but only in USB 2.0. But, this is a type C Gen 2! Lets look into the problem.

Port Detection

We will require a USB 3.1 device and a USB 2.0 thumb drive to proceed with the port detection. Unfortunately, I do not have the new generation device to achieve 10gbps, so a USB 3.0 device will do for now.

Let's continue.

With all the ports enabled, following the steps outlined in this post here https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=62887#p62887 and here https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=61162#p61162, I managed to determine the ports used by plugging in my USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 devices.

Next, I cleaned up my hack by deleting the unused ports to result only the below used ports. Plus, the recently USB C port is correctly showing USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 devices in its proper device location.

And while I am at it, I changed the ioname in DSDT to load driver for USB 3.1 Host controller. Not sure if this makes any difference, but it sure is an eye candy.

<IMGUR id="Zdq1IQ2"><a href=https://i.imgur.com/Zdq1IQ2.png' alt='IMGUR>'>

Back Port Summary


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Gitter Chat

Acer Aspire V15 Nitro- Black Edition VN7-592G/HM170 Chipset

Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB RAM (UEFI Clover Catalina)

MSI B360 Gaming Arctic

Intel i5-8600 16GB RAM Asus Radeon RX580 8GB (UEFI Clover Catalina)

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