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Post Install - Fine tune Dell N5110


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I first tried to install Yosemite and was ok.

But then I got a High Sierra successfully running on my laptop (Dell N5110).

I'm using a DSDT patch provided by MaLd0n (https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1131&p=58200#p58200).

What I have changed:

  • updated FakeSMC to get sensors - OK

  • changed audio inject id (in config) - OK

  • flag addPNFL (in config) - OK, but I can only change accessing the menu and using sliding bar. Fn+F2/F3 only works for the first "tick" and then stops and does not work anymore.

  • battery icon - OK, although my battery is NOT working properly anymore. I have a 18%-20% indication.

  • I run ssdtPRgen and added SSDT to patch folder - OK? (I don't know how to check if its having any effect OR if it is correct);


What I want to do is to change some flags and patches I think is not needed anymore in config.plist.

For example,

[change EHC1 to EH01]: pattern 45484331, bin not found / already patched!

Do I still need all those patches?

The most important would be to get all USB ports working.

There are 3 usb ports, but only ONE is working.

I have tried Clover post install folder for series 6, but I have problems using that and can't get the system running.

I also tried disabling some flags but then the sound doesn't work, or the backlight, or I get a kernel panic...

I appreciate any help.


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ur usb 3 is not intel, u can use generic xhci, but in new system kext cause some problems

about patches, u can stay with it, clover just check if need

Brightness, u can try with AppleBacklightInjector.kext

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On 8/17/2018 at 11:35 PM, lobato said:



I first tried to install Yosemite and was ok.

But then I got a High Sierra successfully running on my laptop (Dell N5110).


I'm using a DSDT patch provided by MaLd0n (https://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1131&p=58200#p58200).


What I have changed:


  • updated FakeSMC to get sensors - OK



  • changed audio inject id (in config) - OK



  • flag addPNFL (in config) - OK, but I can only change accessing the menu and using sliding bar. Fn+F2/F3 only works for the first "tick" and then stops and does not work anymore.



  • battery icon - OK, although my battery is NOT working properly anymore. I have a 18%-20% indication.



  • I run ssdtPRgen and added SSDT to patch folder - OK? (I don't know how to check if its having any effect OR if it is correct);




What I want to do is to change some flags and patches I think is not needed anymore in config.plist.

For example,


Do I still need all those patches?


The most important would be to get all USB ports working.

There are 3 usb ports, but only ONE is working.



I have tried Clover post install folder for series 6, but I have problems using that and can't get the system running.

I also tried disabling some flags but then the sound doesn't work, or the backlight, or I get a kernel panic...


I appreciate any help.

Sendme.zip 3.5 MB · 11 downloads

Please share this solution for me I am facing same problem . please share

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