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Use SWUSwitcher.app by cVad, select Developer Program Members, set and Enjoy!



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Credits: cVad


Updated App. A gift from chris1111


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Work Good, all Mojave beta, but if u use a Mojave patcher, don't work, this tool mod many files

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[ref]Wizzard[/ref], just follow and check in system preferences/updates

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I discovered that you must have a BIOS profile that is showing your hack as in the range of computers that will be updatable. so even though I used SWU Switcher Apple wouldn't let me see Big Sur because me computer looked like it could not install it.

I had a profile that was for iMac early 2013 and I could not see Big Sur.

when I changed it to the correct range then I could see Big Sur and also I see the beta version that was made available the other day in the App store.

Time to try is install.

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use option "Read" and check if stay in dev updates. if not run again

u can try it


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On 8/14/2018 at 6:08 PM, MaLd0n said:

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Use SWUSwitcher.app by cVad, select Developer Program Members, set and Enjoy!



-Download App

SWUSwitcher.app.v1.0.6.zip 1.61 MB · 236 downloads

Credits: cVad


Updated App. A gift from chris1111


Well! impossible to update from beta 6 to beta 7...."unable to check for updates " , either developer or public... Why ? Thanks!!

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10 hours ago, lclerte said:

neither works for me... I'm on beta 6  always "unable to ..." I'm sad! Thanks 


1 hour ago, fritz122 said:

i need a Fullinstaller for Big Sur DP8. Where is it for download please ? i need for create a new bootable USB Stick for orig. unsupportet iMac.

Enable SIP and boom ready to update

CPU i5-6500    Motherboard ASUS H110M-A/M.2    RAM 16GB  IGPU Intel HD 530   GPU GTX1060 (Disable)

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