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Dell Vostro 5470 Hackintoshing

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Hey guys, I'm new to hackintoshing but I went over the tutorials here to make sure I'm doing everything correctly.

I've download ( using download manager to make sure checksum matches with the acctual raw iso file ) - ISO from High Scierra.

Extracted and burned using Etcher / Win32 Disk Imager - I have both here Windows / Linux.

I was able to boot Clover on my Vostro, but it crashes the install when it says:

" ..........start random seed end random seed ............ " then nothing happens

As in the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qxoh0BXVYt0&lc=z22wi5aonvvvy3xcjacdp430lolvp4nn3150nc1uskhw03c010c.1533824547236513

03:24 the point where it crashes for me. Any tips on this? My Vostro is an i7 Haswell 8gb DDR3.

Thanks in advance!

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Should I change the burned raw/iso folder in the usb stick? Cuz when I try to open it and check the content, it appears as impossible to read thru explorer ( Ubuntu / Windows ) and Clover Bootloader is a .pkg and a .md5 file, should these be burned witch etcher / win32 with the iso in same folder? I didn't understand this part...

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u can mount efi in windows, check google for it, i'll post one tutorial here about it


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