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On my current build, there are random restarts that occur. Could someone please help me troubleshoot this further. Should I use the RunMe app to get all the necessary files? Thank you in advance for any help!

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ye, post files

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RunMe file attached as requested. Thanks MaLd0n!

check if have bios update

if yes, update and extract new file with F4 key in clover boot screen, files generated in clover/acpi/origin

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pdated to new BIOS and link is below for new RunMe. Thanks again MaLd0n!

use only it, don't change nothing


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use only it, don't change nothing


(1.44 MiB) Downloaded 2 times


Used the posted files, the PC seems a bit faster and have not noticed a restart as of yet. However, I currently have no audio even after repairing permissions. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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send e new files?

u have hackintosh kexts in l/e or s/l/e?

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u have hackintosh kexts in l/e or s/l/e?


All of my kexts are installed in the Others folder of the EFI partition. Should I move AppleALC and Lilu into L/E?

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send me new files


i need check

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u need clear ur system, some extra kexts in L/E or S/L/E

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u need clear ur system, some extra kexts in L/E or S/L/E


I removed HDMIAudio and CodecCommander with no luck. Only the HDMI output is functional but with the single caveat of having to hot plug the mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter. Any other suggestions? Thanks!

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I removed HDMIAudio and CodecCommander with no luck. Only the HDMI output is functional but with the single caveat of having to hot plug the mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter. Any other suggestions? Thanks!

what layout-id u use before it and work?

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what layout-id u use before it and work?


I had a layout-id of 3 when I was on Sierra but left it blank when I switched to High Sierra. Guess I'll give the layout-id of 3 again and see what happens. Thanks!

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I had a layout-id of 3 when I was on Sierra but left it blank when I switched to High Sierra. Guess I'll give the layout-id of 3 again and see what happens. Thanks!

change iN DSDT

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change iN DSDT


That's something I'll need your assistance with please. I have a track record of breaking my hack when modifying the DSDT. :shock: Thanks!

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Inject via Clover, device tab/Audio/Inject


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No dice. Same result as before with only the HDMI audio is functional.

all codecs have some options

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all codecs have some options


After repairing permission numerous times using Kext Utility, I still ended up with one Output Device. So I took a different route and repaired the permission via terminal for S/L/E and L/E, which seemed to have resolved the issue and brought back my other Output Devices. Thanks again MaLd0n! :mrgreen:



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