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Problems installing High Sierra


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Hi everyone!

I have problems when finishing the installation of High Sierra, I start well, it is restarted twice, the load bar comes out along with the logo of the apple and the remaining minutes that are left to finish installing ... but in the last restart, already to finish the installation and finish configuring Mac, the screen goes black, and does not show image, I tried to deactivate some kext, but I did not get any results ... I do not know what to do.

The specifications are:

-CPU: i7-4770 3.40Ghz

-MOBO: Gigabyte Z87-D3HP-CF


-GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 730

Thank you very much in advance

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for install try with nv_disable=1, after send me files

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try with nv_disable=1

Yes, that boot arg I always put it, I managed to do half of the installation without problems, but when I was about to finish loading the bar with the remaining minutes and the logo of the apple, the PC was restarted, again re-selected my hard drive, I checked the box "Set NVidia to VESA (nv_disable = 1)" as I had always done, as I did with the first reboot, and all nice, but this time doing exactly the same, the screen went black without emitting image... :?:|

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with nv_disable=1
In the end I tried without the graphics card ... I took it out and this time the whole installation ran without problems. I went to Mac, installed clover ... etc, but now I would like to use my graphics card ... can I put it back and recognize it this time?
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install the Webdrivers

There are no problems if I install the WebDrivers without the graphics card placed, no ?, once I have installed the Drivers and placed the card, the only thing I should change in config.plist, is the NvidiaWeb box, and that's it?

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There are no problems if I install the WebDrivers without the graphics card placed, no ?

No, I did this in some Hacks, and I had no problems.


the only thing I should change in config.plist, is the NvidiaWeb box, and that's it?

Yes, and remove nv_disable=1

Thanks & Regards

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No, I did this in some Hacks, and I had no problems.

Great, I'm doing everything, I installed the WebDrivers without problems, the WebDrivers box is on, now I'll restart and place the graphics card again, and try to boot with it this time, I hope it works ... if I have any problems I'll let you know.

Thank you very much for all the help

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Pfff, nothing, no results ... I started from the graphics card this time, with the HDMI port, and nothing, when loading the system, put the black screen, without emitting an image, had activated the WebDriver box, I do not know what can it be ... some .kext? :|

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run this app: RunMe

Upload the result here.

Hello again, I tried a couple of solutions on my own, and managed to boot from the graphics card, I detected the card, all right, I enter the desktop, but I can only do without the WebDrivers ... when I try to enter with the WebDrivers, load the apple and then a wheel comes out loading, loads the cursor in a corner, and stays like that ... the image freezes and nothing else happens. But yes start without nv_disable=1, without problems, only with flickering.

u use a 4k monitor?
I am using a 1080p TV (this is how the Mac detects me)

My graphic card is: Asus GeForce GT 730

I read around that these old graphics cards do not need WebDrivers, so I uninstalled them, now when I uninstall them, I can boot everything right, but the resolution does not work well, there are flashes on the screen and the resolution is not native to the monitor (TV)

If possible, I would also like help with the complete DSDT ... I would greatly appreciate it, sorry for the inconvenience, and really, thank you very much for all the help you are giving me.

I executed Run.app, attached files.

Send me iMac 14,2.zip

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I am using a 1080p TV (this is how the Mac detects me)

My graphic card is: Asus GeForce GT 730

I read around that these old graphics cards do not need WebDrivers, so I uninstalled them, now when I uninstall them, I can boot everything right, but the resolution does not work well, there are flashes on the screen and the resolution is not native to the monitor (TV)

If possible, I would also like help with the complete DSDT ... I would greatly appreciate it, sorry for the inconvenience, and really, thank you very much for all the help you are giving me.

I executed Run.app, attached files.

disable intelHD Graphics in bios


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disable intelHD Graphics in bios


Ok. But I have uninstalled the WebDrivers, and I see in the config.plist file that box NvidiaWeb is activated, then I reinstall them?

And with respect to the .zip file, I replace the folder by removing mine and placing the one you have given me, or only do I just place yours on top of mine?

Thank you

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replace full clover folder, install web driver, reboot

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boot with nv_disable=1 and use it for a best Nvidia Driver


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boot with nv_disable=1 and use it for a best Nvidia Driver

I already tried installing the drivers using that, but I got the results that I indicated in the black screen image with white letters ... it does not work, I tried other different things, and everything leads me to the same path... black screen and white words:


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with nv_disable=1

Something very interesting is that when I click on "About this Mac" in graphics recognizes the graphics card as "Chip NVidia 8MB" or something like that, but when in Clover Configurator I go to the "Graphics" section and activate the box "Inject NVidia" , I save the changes in the config.plist, and restart ... After restarting anyway I have to place Set NVidia to VESA because otherwise, it does not enter and the black image comes back with white words ... Good, but not I wanted to refer to that, what happens is that after marking that box "Inject NVidia" and looking in "About this Mac" it already appears in graphics: "ASUS GeForce GT 730 XXXX MB" ... but I still can not start if I do not set NVidia to VESA (nv_disable = 1), but at least I wanted to comment on this, if I do not check the "Inject NVidia" box, the Mac does not recognize my graphics card, it recognizes a "NVidia 8MB Chip".

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Well ... well then I will, If I have more problems I will let you know, thanks for all the help.


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