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Newbie need help with DSDT for Gigabyte H110M-H DDR3

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Hello everyone!

First of all, I apologize for my bad English.

Well, I've been in the Hackintosh world for a short time, but I've managed to use Apple's operating system for a long time without problems ... but now I've just learned that for a hackintosh to work like to a real Mac, It is necessary to have a DSDT ... I still do not understand very well what the subject is about, but I would like someone to teach me and tell me how I can get my DSDT, for get the full potential of my peripherals in my hackintosh.

My PC:

-MOBO: H110M-H DDR3 (Gigabyte)

-CPU: I5-6400 2.7Ghz. 3Ghz Turbo boost.

-RAM: 12GB

-Graphics: ASUS GTX 1050Ti 4GB

Thanks in advance.

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Here this MaLd0n, thanks in advance again.


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Amazing! Thank you very much for your work and your prompt response, for a short time that I follow all your work on this page, and the truth, let me give you my most humble and sincere thanks for all you help and bring. One more thing ... I imagine that this .zip what it contains, I must transfer it to my EFI folder ... and now I want to ask you a question too silly ... (apologies) and is I must pass the contents of the folder: "_MACOSX" or the "CLOVER" folder? and another one ... I guess there's no problem transferring this content to my EFI folder on MacOS when it's already installed, and not before, right? :?

Sorry for my bad english. :(

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Amazing! Thank you very much for your work and your prompt response, for a short time that I follow all your work on this page, and the truth, let me give you my most humble and sincere thanks for all you help and bring. One more thing ... I imagine that this .zip what it contains, I must transfer it to my EFI folder ... and now I want to ask you a question too silly ... (apologies) and is I must pass the contents of the folder: "_MACOSX" or the "CLOVER" folder? and another one ... I guess there's no problem transferring this content to my EFI folder on MacOS when it's already installed, and not before, right?

Sorry for my bad english.

Clover folder only

Just replace full clover folder

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Just replace full clover folder

Thanks for clarifying it. I tried first by completely removing my Clover folder and putting only the one you gave me, but it does not detect my graphics card (I guess we would have to reconfigure that and blah, blah) and the second thing I did was restore my clover. folder, and place the contents of the .zip file that you gave me, replacing the files and etc., and then I have everything as it was. I guess maybe the second thing I've done is the right thing to do, if not, correct me please.

One last doubt, and that's it. I was told that to get audio through the HDMI port I would have to buy a DP2HDMI adapter, since the audio is ejected by the DP port by default ... I have tried several things, apparently successfully, as several people told me when I showed my files, but I never managed to get audio through the HDMI port of my graphics card. Do you know how to get audio through the HDMI port without having to use VooDoo? Or should I finally give up and buy a DP2HDMI adapter? :(:|

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Thanks for clarifying it. I tried first by completely removing my Clover folder and putting only the one you gave me, but it does not detect my graphics card (I guess we would have to reconfigure that and blah, blah) and the second thing I did was restore my clover. folder, and place the contents of the .zip file that you gave me, replacing the files and etc., and then I have everything as it was. I guess maybe the second thing I've done is the right thing to do, if not, correct me please.

One last doubt, and that's it. I was told that to get audio through the HDMI port I would have to buy a DP2HDMI adapter, since the audio is ejected by the DP port by default ... I have tried several things, apparently successfully, as several people told me when I showed my files, but I never managed to get audio through the HDMI port of my graphics card. Do you know how to get audio through the HDMI port without having to use VooDoo? Or should I finally give up and buy a DP2HDMI adapter?

send me new dump

run app again, i need check things

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run app again, i need check things

Here you have. This new dump has been made with the Clover folder that you passed me, obviously, I guess that's what you wanted. :D

PS: In my previous comment, when I was talking about getting audio through the HDMI port, I was referring to the HDMI port of the graphics card. :P My bad.

Send me LO1410 iMac.zip

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Here you have. This new dump has been made with the Clover folder that you passed me, obviously, I guess that's what you wanted.

PS: In my previous comment, when I was talking about getting audio through the HDMI port, I was referring to the HDMI port of the graphics card. My bad.

put in clover/kexts/other, just put there, don't remove nothing


Voodooohda stay work only in HDMI Nvidia

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Voodooohda stay work only in HDMI Nvidia

OMG Awesome! You do not know how much I appreciate it ... I've been waiting so long to use the HDMI audio from my graphics card ... and I did not think there was a VooDooHDA.kext that would work with the HDMI port of the graphics card specifically ... The other times I tried it with the same .kext, they interfered with the rest of my audio inputs and outputs, leaving me without audio or with bad audio, taking control the VooDoo.kext completely ... and this time this .kext it only works with the HDMI port of the graphics card, as you said, without interfering with my other audio .kext or with my audio inputs and outputs ... Thank you very much, really.

The last question, and this time really ... can I be use this same .kext with other graphics cards? for example, if I change my humble 1050 Ti one day for a 1070 or 1080 Ti, the audio from the HDMI port will continue to work with this .kext? Or is it just made to work specifically with my graphics card ?.

That's it, thank you very much again.

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The last question, and this time really ... can I be use this same .kext with other graphics cards? for example, if I change my humble 1050 Ti one day for a 1070 or 1080 Ti, the audio from the HDMI port will continue to work with this .kext? Or is it just made to work specifically with my graphics card ?.

That's it, thank you very much again.

need edit kext, this kext have info from ur GPU and work only for it, the onboard audio use native apple sound with AppleAlc

the HDMI with Voodoo work good, but have a little problems, let me know if u see one

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