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and the sendme help me please Mr MaLdOn

u kill all _DSM with _DSM to XDSM patch, dont use it

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Mr MaLdOn its possible send me CLOVER i thanks advance

u have a good patches, just dont use _DSM to XDSM, THIS PATCH KILL ALL PATCHES

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[ref]scrolljam[/ref], RunMe.app

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[ref]scrolljam[/ref], generate file in ur desktop

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[ref]scrolljam[/ref], replace full clover folder, reboot and extract new SEND_ME


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MaLd0n please i need help!

I could not finish the post-installation of your image for HighSierra 10.13.6, i was unable to find your MaLd0n Serie 10,20,30.txt

Today i can't boot. I attach a screenshoot. Thanks in advance


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[ref]scrolljam[/ref], u need use my full clover folder and reboot

u use hfs instead apfs?

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looks good

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try with iMac18,1 or 2

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