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Asus P5E3 Deluxe


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Hi ìI really need your help just to prevent to go cracy….

In installed Lion on my hackintosh (p5e3 deluxe (no wifi), q6600, nvidia gt8800 512). Everything work perfect exept shutdown and sleep.

I tried every fix ( add c-states –states, remove nullcpu , sleepenabler pleasespleep, evoreboot, openhaltrestart, applertc patched)

Shutdown now works thanks to evoreboot or openhaltrestar, but sleep only half mode(monitor off, pc on)

Maybe I need a dsdt.aml file, but I trien with dsdt autopatcher, but is out, and I tried to compile but e get always errors.)

Please could you send me the right dsdt.aml to put in E/E?

I know you are full, but please help me.

Best reguards.

p.s.: Grazie a tutto il forum

Lion 10.8.4, q6600 - p5e3 deluxe GTX 550 ti 1 gb - 8 gb ddr3 corsair 1600

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Try this (same chipset X38 ICH9R)

The patch that fixes sleep is this and shutdown is this (already included in the P5E3 patch)

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Many many thanks!!!!!! I used the p5e3 dsdt you sent me and

Now the situation is changed. I can shutdown whitout evoreboot or openhaltrestart,

And my System go to sleep. Now the problem is the wake... If i push power botton my pc goes on but With BLACK screen!!! May be' is becouse now, when i put in sleep my bios cmos resets!!!! Than i believe that if i solve cmos issue my System should be' ok!!!

What di you suggest???? To' use applertc 10.7 patche????? Thanks

Lion 10.8.4, q6600 - p5e3 deluxe GTX 550 ti 1 gb - 8 gb ddr3 corsair 1600

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Yes, patched AppleRTC is needed to avoid CMOS reset after sleep.

Check in BIOS if suspend mode is configured as S3 and if there's an option to repost video on S3 resume.

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Thank you.

Did you solve the wake issue?

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I tried.... everything works perfectly (sleep, shutdown, restart) and audio too(voodoohda 2.7.2)

The only bored thing is than if i move my mouse, my pc wakes from sleep!! is there a workaround???? thank you

Lion 10.8.4, q6600 - p5e3 deluxe GTX 550 ti 1 gb - 8 gb ddr3 corsair 1600

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You can remove _PRW from device USB which has the mouse connected to it, or edit _PSW and make it always "Store (Zero, U1EN)"


But this will disable wake by mouse at all (even mouse click), you'll have to use the power button to wake.

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You can remove _PRW from device USB which has the mouse connected to it, or edit _PSW and make it always "Store (Zero, U1EN)"


But this will disable wake by mouse at all (even mouse click), you'll have to use the power button to wake.

in my dsdt.aml there is no method_prw or usb ( the problem is my usb2)

dsdt.aml for p5e3

Lion 10.8.4, q6600 - p5e3 deluxe GTX 550 ti 1 gb - 8 gb ddr3 corsair 1600

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There are both _PSW and _PRW

Device (USB2)
   Name (_ADR, 0x001D0002)
   OperationRegion (BAR0, PCI_Config, 0xC4, One)
   Field (BAR0, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
       USBW,   2, 
               Offset (0x01)
   Method (_S3D, 0, NotSerialized)
       If (LOr (LEqual (OSFL (), One), LEqual (OSFL (), 0x02)))
           Return (0x02)
           Return (0x03)
[color=#FF0000]    Method (_PSW, 1, NotSerialized)
       If (Arg0)
           Store (0x03, USBW)
           Store (Zero, USBW)
[/color][color=#0000FF]    Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized)
       Return (GPRW (0x0C, 0x04))
   Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
       Store (Package (0x02)
               Buffer (0x04)
                   0x36, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00
           }, Local0)
       DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
       Return (Local0)

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No, like I said before

You can remove _PRW from device USB which has the mouse connected to it, or edit _PSW and make it always "Store (Zero, U1EN)"


You have 2 options:

1) Delete _PRW (lines in blue)

2) Edit _PSW (lines in red) making it store zero in U1EN independently of Arg0

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No, like I said before

You have 2 options:

1) Delete _PRW (lines in blue)

2) Edit _PSW (lines in red) making it store zero in U1EN independently of Arg0


Thank you i solved with option 1 (option one didn't work for me)

before i didn't find USB2 because in dsdt editor search i didn't check "case sensitive" and i written "usb2".

Anyway thanks for your kindly support!!! :D

Lion 10.8.4, q6600 - p5e3 deluxe GTX 550 ti 1 gb - 8 gb ddr3 corsair 1600

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I tested speedstep fix for my cpu(q6600)

I found 2 fix cpu0-3 and cpu1-4. I teste both( before 0-3 later 0-4), but

I can't catch the differenze???? Someone knows??? Thanks

Lion 10.8.4, q6600 - p5e3 deluxe GTX 550 ti 1 gb - 8 gb ddr3 corsair 1600

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Check what is your first CPU (CPU0 or CPU1).

You don't need to apply the SpeedStep patch if you use Chameleon with GeneratePStates and GenerateCStates enabled.

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Hi oldnapalm, now my pc, thanks to you, works perfectly (dsdt, shutdown, restart, ide drive with jmicron kext and audio with voodoohda2.7.2).

Only last question.... i'm using for my audio voodoohda2.7.2. it works perfectly, but i'd like to patch my dsdt in order to use applehda patched for ab1988 audio chipset. i tried it but itb doesen't work.

Do i've to patch my dsdt whit hdef patch before???? thanks

Lion 10.8.4, q6600 - p5e3 deluxe GTX 550 ti 1 gb - 8 gb ddr3 corsair 1600

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Hi oldnapalm, now my pc, thanks to you, works perfectly (dsdt, shutdown, restart, ide drive with jmicron kext and audio with voodoohda2.7.2).

Only last question.... i'm using for my audio voodoohda2.7.2. it works perfectly, but i'd like to patch my dsdt in order to use applehda patched for ab1988 audio chipset. i tried it but itb doesen't work.

Do i've to patch my dsdt whit hdef patch before???? thanks

i solved, thanks

Lion 10.8.4, q6600 - p5e3 deluxe GTX 550 ti 1 gb - 8 gb ddr3 corsair 1600

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