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Posted (edited)

Have a trouble with generating of much_kernel. Mac OS says about incorrect Kernel name when I try to change a directory or name. Generate of much_kernel by old manuals won't work on High Sierra and maybe a lot of changes in latest versions of MacOS because search result dead and system works little bit another.

What the steps incorrect and how to unlock kernel comparing into another folder and name.Also I cant find instruction how to create mkext pack but try to mount EFI partition with Clover/kexts/Other and it works to compare prelinked kernel.

Whats the true? [prelinkedkernel 25.9 mb] - it's with a kexts and min. kernel? seems optionally generated by me.

[kernel 13.6 mb] it's naked kernel?

[immutablekernel 27.1 mb] - it's with all the shit inside? Guys says about we have ALTQ for Packet Filter thats not included specially for boot kernel and have a chance to apply kernel rebuild with a lot of futures or without.

Which of kernel works better for Clover config when used with different mkext Clover kexts and /Library/Kexts to make another configs load with another boot-args and co.apple.Boot?

For experiments use something like that.

Works after faster and more correct.

We can block and unload a lot of trash like graphics not used and mountains of another trees not works and slowing boot.


sudo diskutil mount disk0s1

# Make standart S-P-K in root volume paths
# sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel

# Perform long instruction to update internal root caches + /disk0s1/EFI(partition includes) 
# with options of not to validate dependencies, developer signing and permissions 
# Makes different parts of System Prelinked Kernel into Kernel and Prelinked Kernel in /System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/ and
# simple: sudo kextcache -v 4 -i /

sudo kextcache -local-root -force -all-loaded -v 4 -i / -u / -kernel /System/Library/Kernels/kernel -prelinked-kernel /System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/prelinkedkernel -volume-root / /System/Library/Extensions /Library/Extensions /Volumes/XEFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/

# Create directory for Prelinked caches and Kernels

sudo mkdir /xOS
sudo cp -R /System/Library/Kernels/* /xOS/
sudo cp -R /System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/* /xOS/

sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -force -root /

# Clean stagging and re-prune

sudo kextcache -clear-staging
sudo kextcache -prune-staging

sudo rm -Rf /var/log/*


Edited by Full-R
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Posted (edited)

Yerstaday test how to generate kernel with another name comparing three kext folders: /S/L/E, /L/E and from efi Clover. One time sucess with another name to another location. Try to generate Clover configs with Boot plist and kernel arguments later. While testing drunk a gin and loose working variant into the terminal trash. Need retest.


Need to add mkext + 2-3 autogen configs and try to integrate some Installer futures into boot kernel.


Not undertand for 100% how thats look on another platforms if installer works.


Also have to intergrate auto regenerate scripts to boot stages with configs and kernels because one reboot after install and we have working system with settings automatically. For example can remove arches and distro size was a 700-800 mb minimal for server.


Seems also we need to add bless to Clover EFI because Mac reboots from core services and system loose settings for the hardware. Not good to alting passworded boot every time.


Care how to make netboot system from the server working for hackintosh not needed to install a system from anywhere via only Clover or Open Core bootloader because it's cool to use via the network or web.


Good reason not to be substituted by illegal modification and license low ...


Looking like not a trouble all of that instead of Microsoft try to hate us and make a craps big break with bloody ass.


Not a truble with Apple. Thease fat hate a humans and cant accept anywho to works with that ....


P.S.: be care after. Because MS make big trouble. Same substitute for all of us a errors in system. Thease fat in glasses forks for all the planet for not to make another developers and break sometimes all the things. For example break a nuclear reactor system. Works with some radio is trouble on a Mac and we need another safe for humans solutions with modified system. Dangerous things with GSM and big energy.

Edited by Full-R
  • Like 1

Try to understand what really changed if I rebuild a kernel. Nothing happens with a kernel size but prunes maybe remove some gaps or add a skips to the chain\chunk-file. Compressed nothing to do and bundle identifier nothing change with kernel. Can't rename but try to make network-root aligned kernel and that is works another all the system. Telephony services become to be upps and feel system works softer maybe ...


Another options helpful is -Boot/Installer mixing. If replace kernel from Installer to immutable/prelinked we have to look system works with a small changes but console logs another.


Seems secure levels works only on hackintosh systems. Means another for a Mac. Symbols also wont works. Who knows how to compare mkext and if that support in systems later? Think about to create packets for netbooting ...

These thing in 10.13.6 described as s-p-k synonym but unpucking again fails. 

What if network root installer with a netboot and PE solutions we can do for a small range of the hardware?

Latest systems that options do nothing for kernel building? Maybe some addition settings not listed in console logs included in a progress?


echo 'Mount disk0/EFI partition'

sudo diskutil mount disk0s1

sudo touch -f /Volumes/XEFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/

#  -e, -system-mkext

echo 'Perform long instruction to update internal root caches + [ /disk0s1 | EFI(partition includes) ]'

#sudo kextcache local-root-all -force -compressed -all-loaded -z -v 4 -i / -u / -kernel /System/Library/Kernels/kernel -prelinked-kernel /System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/prelinkedkernel -volume-root / /System/Library/Extensions /Library/Extensions /Volumes/XEFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/

echo 'Perform long instruction to update network root caches + [ /disk0s1 | EFI(partition includes) ]'

sudo kextcache -network-root-all -t -b * -force -compressed -all-loaded -z -v 4 -i / -u / -kernel /System/Library/Kernels/kernel -prelinked-kernel /System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/prelinkedkernel -volume-root / -- /System/Library/Extensions /Library/Extensions /Volumes/XEFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/

echo 'Clone prelinked system caches for Sense config ...'
echo 'Look kernels into [ volume root :: /xOS/ ]'

# Create directory for Prelinked caches and Kernels

sudo mkdir /xOS
sudo cp -R /System/Library/Kernels/* /xOS/
sudo cp -R /System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/* /xOS/

echo 'Update dyld shared caches ...' 

sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -force -root /

# Clean stagging and re-prune

echo 'Reprune and cleanup kernel cache'

sudo kextcache -clear-staging
sudo kextcache -prune-staging

echo 'Remove log files'

sudo rm -Rf /var/log/*

# Run reactivateSettings to apply the updated settings

echo 'Reactivate some settings ...'

/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SystemAdministration.framework/Resources/activateSettings -u
defaults write com.apple.activatesettings log true

# Stop Firewall

echo 'Firewall stop ...'

sudo pkill -HUP socketfilterfw

# Apple setup done restart
# sudo rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone

# Kill all affected applications

echo 'Close applications before restart ...'

for app in "cfprefsd" "Dock" "Finder" "SystemUIServer"; do
  sudo killall "${app}" > /dev/null 2>&1


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