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VoodooHDA - common problems


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Official thread:






Problem: kernel panic.

Solution 1: remove AppleHDA and restart the system before installing VoodooHDA (or use AppleHDADisabler).

Solution 2: edit Info.plist, replace the key IOPCIClassMatch by IOPCIPrimaryMatch and put the PCI ID of your audio card in string.







Problem: kext doesn't work (usually when there's more than one audio card or the video card has HDMI audio).

Solution: use solution 2 for kernel panic problem above. If you want to use both cards, create one entry for each card in IOKitPersonalities.


Problem: sound crackles.

Solution 1: change output format in Applications - Utilities - Audio MIDI Setup

Solution 2: check "Use SSE2" in VoodooHDA prefPane

You can also enable Vectorize in Info.plist


Problem: volume control (slider) doesn't work.

Solution: enable VoodooHDAEnableVolumeChangeFix in Info.plist


Problem: volume too low.

Solution: enable VoodooHDAEnableHalfVolumeFix in Info.plist


Problem: audio feedback (Larsen effect), sound loop between input (microphone) and output (speakers).

Solution: mute iGain and increase iMix or Mic if microphone dosn't work


It can also be done in the prefPane. In some cases you may need to mute Monitor instead of iGain.


Problem: audio delay. If you change volume, for example, it takes 1 or 2 seconds to play the test sound.

Solution 1: delete com.apple.audio.DeviceSettings.plist and com.apple.audio.SystemSettings.plist from /Library/Preferences/Audio and reboot.

Solution 2: use SoundFlower.


Problem: inputs or outputs don't show in sound preferences.

Solution 1: look for a kext patched for your codec.

For VT1708S


For AD1988B


Solution 2: add NodesToPatch basead on getDump output (download in official thread).



Config (PinDefault) is made up of the last 2 digits of each codec verb, but in the opposite order

0x[color=#FF0000]01[/color][color=#008000]01[/color][color=#0000FF]44[/color][color=#8000FF]10[/color] = 21471c[color=#8000FF]10[/color] 21471d[color=#0000FF]44[/color] 21471e[color=#008000]01[/color] 21471f[color=#FF0000]01[/color]
 |||||||+- [color=#8000FF]Sequence[/color]
 ||||||+-- [color=#8000FF]Default Association[/color]
 |||||+--- [color=#0000FF]Misc[/color]
 ||||+---- [color=#0000FF]Color[/color]
 |||+----- [color=#008000]Connection Type[/color]
 ||+------ [color=#008000]Default Device[/color]
 |+------- [color=#FF0000]Location[/color]
 +-------- [color=#FF0000]Port Connectivity[/color]

More detailed example



Info about codec verbs

Source: http://www.projectosx.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=465


For each input/output there is a sequence of 4 verbs.

   Jack   Color  Description                  Node     PinDefault             Original Verbs
   1/8   Green  Line Out at Ext Rear        20 0x14   0x01014410   21471c10 21471d44 21471e01 21471f01

Its about NodeID(NID) 0x14 in hex, 20 in decimal.


The default verbs for it: 21471c10 21471d44 21471e01 21471f01


CAd (Codec Adress)NID (NodeID)Verb CommandVerb Data


71cXY X=Default Association Y=Sequence


Default Association and Sequence are used together by software to group Pin Complexes (and therefore jacks) together into functional blocks to support multichannel operation. Software may assume that all jacks with the same association number are intended to be grouped together, for instance to provide six channel analog output. The Default Association can also be used by software to prioritize resource allocation in constrained situations. Lower Default Association values would be higher in priority for resources such as processing nodes or Input and Output Converters. Note that this is the default association only, and software can override this value if required, in particular if the user provides additional information about the particular system configuration. A value of 0000b is reserved and should not be used. Software may interpret this value to indicate that the Pin Configuration data has not been properly initialized. A value of 1111b is a special value indicating that the Association has the lowest priority. Multiple different Pin Complexes may share this value, and each is intended to be exposed as independent devices.


Sequence indicates the order of the jacks in the association group. The lowest numbered jack in the association group should be assigned the lowest numbered channels in the stream, etc. The numbers need not be sequential within the group, only the order matters. Sequence numbers within a set of Default Associations must be unique.


*My notes for this, if you look on the vanilla codec verb(no matter what codec) you will see that Sequence is always 0.

Why that, and why for us on our codec verbs is different? Simple b/c Apple dosen't have multichannel analog out! so you must change it to 0.


*About Default Association, Keep the default one, in order, and on those that are the same replace them with new one that dosen't exist already in the dump... the values you can use are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d and f.(see what does verbit if you still don't understand)


71dXY X=Color Y=Misc


Color indicates the color of the physical jack for use by software.

Unknown 0 
Black 1 
Grey 2
Blue 3 
Green 4
Red 5
Orange 6
Yellow 7
Purple 8
Pink 9
Reserved A-D
White E
Other F

Misc is a bit field used to indicate other information about the jack. Currently, only bit 0 is defined. If bit 0 is set, it indicates that the jack has no presence detect capability, so even if a Pin Complex indicates that the codec hardware supports the presence detect functionality on the jack, the external circuitry is not capable of supporting the functionality.

Reserved 3

Reserved 2

Reserved 1

Jack Detect Override 0


*Use 0 for Jack Detect - External Device(e.g. Headphones Mic etc)

Use 1 for Jack Detect Disabled - Internal Device(e.g. Internal speakers, Internal mic)


71eXY X=Default Device Y=Connection Type


Default Device indicates the intended use of the jack or device. This can indicate either the label on the jack or the device that is hardwired to the port, as with integrated speakers and the like.

Line Out 0
Speaker  1
HP Out 2
CD 3
Digital Other Out 5
Modem Line Side 6
Modem Handset Side 7
Line In 8
Mic In A
Telephony B
Digital Other In D
Reserved E
Other F

Connection Type indicates the type of physical connection, such as a 1/8-inch stereo jack or an optical digital connector, etc. Software can use this information to provide helpful user interface descriptions to the user or to modify reported codec capabilities based on the capabilities of the physical transport external to the codec.

Unknown 0 
1/8" stereo/mono 1
1/4" stereo/mono 2
ATAPI internal 3
Optical 5
Other Digital 6
Other Analog 7
Multichannel Analog (DIN) 8
XLR/Professional 9
RJ-11 (Modem) A
Combination B 
Other F

71fXY X=Port Connectivity Y=Location


Port Connectivity indicates the external connectivity of the Pin Complex. Software can use this value to know what Pin Complexes are connected to jacks, internal devices, or not connected at all.

00b - The Port Complex is connected to a jack (1/8", ATAPI, etc.).

01b - No physical connection for Port.

10b - A fixed function device (integrated speaker, integrated mic, etc.) is attached.

11b - Both a jack and an internal device are attached. The Information provided in all other fields refers to the integrated device. The PD pin will reflect the status of the jack; the user will need to be queried to figure out what it is.


Location indicates the physical location of the jack or device to which the pin complex is connected. This allows software to indicate, for instance, that the device is the “Front Panel Headphone Jack” as opposed to rear panel connections.



Convert the 2 digit hex number to binary.

Pad the front with zero's to make it 8 dgits.



0x02 = binary 10 = 00000010 8 digit binary

Reading the bits from left to right:

Port Connectivity bits 7:6 
00 - Port is connected to a Jack
01 - No External Port -or- No physical connection for Port  
10 - Fixed Function/Built In Device (integrated speaker, mic, etc)
11 - Jack and Internal device are attached 

Location Part 1 - bits 5:4
00 - External on primary chassis
01 - Internal
10 - Separate chassis
11 - Other

Location Part 2 - bits 3:0
The meaning depends on Location Part 1 

00 0000	N/A
00 0001   Rear
00 0010   Front
00 0011   Left
00 0100   Right
00 0101   Top
00 0110   Bottom
00 0111   Special (Rear panel)
00 1000   Special (Drive bay)

01 0000   N/A
01 0111   Special (Riser)
01 1000   HDMI
01 1001   ATAPI

10 0000	N/A
10 0001   Rear
10 0010   Front
10 0011   Left
10 0100   Right
10 0101   Top
10 0110   Bottom

11 0000   N/A
11 0110   ?
11 0111   Inside Mobile Lid (example: mic)
11 1000   Outside Mobile Lid

Hex	  76 54 3210
71f01 = 00 00 0001 - Port has a jack - It is External - Rear Location
71f02 = 00 00 0010 - Port has a jack - It is External - Front Panel Location 
71f59 = 01 01 1001 - No External Port - ATAPI 
71f18 = 00 01 1000 - Port has a jack - External - HDMI
71f90 = 10 01 0000 - Built In Device - Internal - N/A 
	  |  |  ||||
	  |  |  |--------- Location part 2
	  |  |------------ Location part 1  
	  |--------------- Port Connectivity
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If you want to use both cards, create one entry for each card in IOKitPersonalities.



how exactly should one have two entries? Am I doing it right?

	<key>VoodooHDA 2</key>

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Yes, that's it.

There's a complete example in the official thread (trick 4)



0x284b8086   -- place here deviceID of your sound card (Chipset HDA device, not a codecID!)[/b][/color]



0x033f1002   -- place here deviceID of your HDMI device on video card[/b][/color]


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microphone not working why

i use snow leopard

and voodoohda 0.2.2

my motherboard is GA-G41MT-S2P rev1.3 GIGABYTE - Motherboard - Socket 775 - GA-G41MT-S2P (rev. 1.3)


my sound onboard VIA VT2021

this video i make it to see wt happen testing mic - YouTube


plz eny one help me plz i need mic to make course web design

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hi guys, i really need your help to get my alc269 work on lion 10.7.2

i have tried a lot of different kext and at last i've read this guide, i have the same id vendor and the other id but again it don't want to work

i have a acer aspire timelinex 5820tg, intel i3 350m, 4gb ddr3, hd5470m, alc269(intel high definition audio)

lion work very well, it don't work fine with battery(use it but don't show how much energy left) no multitouch and no audio

what can i try if also put my alc's id in the kext doesn't work?

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It's not the ALC (codec) ID you have to put in the kext, but the PCI ID.

Show what you changed in the plist.


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">


this is the plist, i have modified only this


like it is showed in this guide, i have the same ID

edit: i have tried different PCI ID but it didn't work, wich one i have to use?

in the jpeg file, you can see all the ID, you can tell me wich one i have to put in info.plist? (the "blue" one is the alc269)


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mmh.... what is "getDump"? xD


Last login: Wed Feb  1 16:04:25 on console
Macbook-Pro-di-Daniele:~ Daniele$ /Users/Daniele/Downloads/getdump ; exit;
error: IORegistryEntryGetPath returned 0x10000003

[Processo completato]


ok searched on google and founded a program, hope it is the right one :P

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VoodooHDA must be loaded before you run getdump.

Remove AppleHDA, install VoodooHDA, reboot, then run getdump.


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Try loading it via terminal

sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/VoodooHDA.kext


If it fails, use kextutil instead of kextload and post output.


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/System/Library/Extensions/VoodooHDA.kext - no dependency found for com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily.
/System/Library/Extensions/VoodooHDA.kext - no dependency found for com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily.
/System/Library/Extensions/VoodooHDA.kext - no dependency found for com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily.
Diagnostics for /System/Library/Extensions/VoodooHDA.kext:
Dependency Resolution Failures: 
   No kexts found for these libraries: 


from kextutil

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ok noise erased with voodoohda panel, input gain at minimun, but there is no sound and it don't save that modification

here the getdump if can help

Found a device of class VoodooHDADevice: IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/HDEF@1B/VoodooHDADevice

Probing codec #0...
HDA Codec #0: Realtek ALC269
HDA Codec ID: 0x10ec0269
      Vendor: 0x10ec
      Device: 0x0269
    Revision: 0x01
    Stepping: 0x00
PCI Subvendor: 0x035d1025
startNode=1 endNode=2
Found audio FG nid=1 startNode=2 endNode=36 total=34

Processing audio FG cad=0 nid=1...
Powering up...
Parsing audio FG...
GPIO: 0x40000002 NumGPIO=2 NumGPO=0 NumGPI=0 GPIWake=0 GPIUnsol=1
nid 18 0x99a30930 as  3 seq  0    Microphone Fixed jack  3 loc 25 color Unknown misc 9
nid 20 0x99130110 as  1 seq  0       Speaker Fixed jack  3 loc 25 color Unknown misc 1
nid 23 0x411111f0 as 15 seq  0       Speaker  None jack  1 loc  1 color   Black misc 1
nid 24 0x03a19840 as  4 seq  0    Microphone  Jack jack  1 loc  3 color    Pink misc 8
nid 25 0x411111f0 as 15 seq  0       Speaker  None jack  1 loc  1 color   Black misc 1
nid 26 0x411111f0 as 15 seq  0       Speaker  None jack  1 loc  1 color   Black misc 1
nid 27 0x411111f0 as 15 seq  0       Speaker  None jack  1 loc  1 color   Black misc 1
nid 29 0x4017992d as  2 seq 13       Speaker  None jack  7 loc  0 color    Pink misc 9
nid 30 0x03451120 as  2 seq  0     SPDIF-out  Jack jack  5 loc  3 color   Black misc 1
nid 33 0x0321101f as  1 seq 15    Headphones  Jack jack  1 loc  3 color   Black misc 0
Parsing vendor patch...
VHDevice NID=2 Config=00000000 Type=00000000 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=3 Config=00000000 Type=00000000 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=4 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=5 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=6 Config=00000000 Type=00000000 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=7 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=8 Config=00000000 Type=00000001 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=35
VHDevice NID=9 Config=00000000 Type=00000001 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=34
VHDevice NID=10 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=11 Config=00000000 Type=00000002 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=24 1=25 2=26 3=27 4=29
VHDevice NID=12 Config=00000000 Type=00000002 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=2 1=11
VHDevice NID=13 Config=00000000 Type=00000002 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=3 1=11
VHDevice NID=14 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=15 Config=00000000 Type=00000002 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=2 1=11
VHDevice NID=16 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=17 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=18 Config=99a30930 Type=00000004 Cap=00000020 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=19 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=20 Config=99130110 Type=00000004 Cap=00010014 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=12 1=13
VHDevice NID=21 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=22 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=23 Config=411111f0 Type=00000004 Cap=00000010 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=15
VHDevice NID=24 Config=03a19840 Type=00000004 Cap=00001734 Ctrl=00000020 -- Conns: 0=13
VHDevice NID=25 Config=411111f0 Type=00000004 Cap=00001724 Ctrl=00000020 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=26 Config=411111f0 Type=00000004 Cap=0000003c Ctrl=00000020 -- Conns: 0=12 1=13
VHDevice NID=27 Config=411111f0 Type=00000004 Cap=00000034 Ctrl=00000020 -- Conns: 0=12 1=13
VHDevice NID=28 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=29 Config=4017992d Type=00000004 Cap=00000020 Ctrl=00000020 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=30 Config=03451120 Type=00000004 Cap=00000014 Ctrl=00000040 -- Conns: 0=6
VHDevice NID=31 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=32 Config=00000000 Type=0000000f Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=33 Config=0321101f Type=00000004 Cap=0000001c Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=12 1=13
VHDevice NID=34 Config=00000000 Type=00000003 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=24 1=25 2=26 3=27 4=29 5=11 6=18
VHDevice NID=35 Config=00000000 Type=00000002 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=24 1=25 2=26 3=27 4=29 5=11
Disabling nonaudio...
Disabling useless...
Disabling pin nid 23 due to None connectivity.
Disabling pin nid 25 due to None connectivity.
Disabling pin nid 26 due to None connectivity.
Disabling pin nid 27 due to None connectivity.
Disabling pin nid 29 due to None connectivity.
Disabling nid 11 connection 1 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 11 connection 2 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 11 connection 3 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 11 connection 4 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 15 due to all it's consumers disabled.
Disabling nid 34 connection 1 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 34 connection 2 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 34 connection 3 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 34 connection 4 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 35 connection 1 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 35 connection 2 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 35 connection 3 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 35 connection 4 due to disabled child widget.
Patched pins configuration:
nid 18 0x99a30930 as  3 seq  0    Microphone Fixed jack  3 loc 25 color Unknown misc 9
nid 20 0x99130110 as  1 seq  0       Speaker Fixed jack  3 loc 25 color Unknown misc 1
nid 23 0x411111f0 as 15 seq  0       Speaker  None jack  1 loc  1 color   Black misc 1 [DISABLED]
nid 24 0x03a19840 as  4 seq  0    Microphone  Jack jack  1 loc  3 color    Pink misc 8
nid 25 0x411111f0 as 15 seq  0       Speaker  None jack  1 loc  1 color   Black misc 1 [DISABLED]
nid 26 0x411111f0 as 15 seq  0       Speaker  None jack  1 loc  1 color   Black misc 1 [DISABLED]
nid 27 0x411111f0 as 15 seq  0       Speaker  None jack  1 loc  1 color   Black misc 1 [DISABLED]
nid 29 0x4017992d as  2 seq 13       Speaker  None jack  7 loc  0 color    Pink misc 9 [DISABLED]
nid 30 0x03451120 as  2 seq  0     SPDIF-out  Jack jack  5 loc  3 color   Black misc 1
nid 33 0x0321101f as  1 seq 15    Headphones  Jack jack  1 loc  3 color   Black misc 0
Parsing pin associations...
4 associations found:
Association 0 (1) out:
Pin nid=20 seq=0
Pin nid=33 seq=15
  Redir type=0 jack=15 def=0
Association 1 (2) out:
Pin nid=30 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=-1 def=0
Association 2 (3) in:
Pin nid=18 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=-1 def=0
Association 3 (4) in:
Pin nid=24 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=0 def=0
Building AFG tree...
Tracing association 0 (1)
Tracing pin 20 with min nid 0
 tracing via nid 20
  tracing via nid 12
   tracing via nid 2
   nid 2 returned 2
   tracing via nid 11
    tracing via nid 24
  nid 12 returned 2
  tracing via nid 13
   tracing via nid 3
   nid 3 returned 3
   tracing via nid 11
    tracing via nid 24
  nid 13 returned 3
 nid 20 returned 2
Pin 20 traced to DAC 2
Tracing pin 33 with min nid 0 and hpredir 0
 tracing via nid 33
  tracing via nid 12
   tracing via nid 2
   nid 2 returned 2
  nid 12 returned 2
 nid 33 returned 2
Pin 33 traced to DAC 2 and hpredir 0
Association 0 (1) trace succeeded
Tracing association 1 (2)
Tracing pin 30 with min nid 0
 tracing via nid 30
  tracing via nid 6
  nid 6 returned 6
 nid 30 returned 6
Pin 30 traced to DAC 6
Association 1 (2) trace succeeded
Tracing association 2 (3)
Tracing pin 18 to ADC 8
 tracing via nid 18
  tracing via nid 34
   tracing via nid 9
   nid 9 returned 0
  nid 34 returned 0
 nid 18 returned 0
Unable to trace pin 18 to ADC 8, undo traces
Tracing pin 18 to ADC 9
 tracing via nid 18
  tracing via nid 34
   tracing via nid 9
   nid 9 returned 1
  nid 34 returned 1
 nid 18 returned 1
Pin 18 traced to ADC 9
Association 2 (3) trace succeeded
Tracing association 3 (4)
Tracing pin 24 to ADC 8
 tracing via nid 24
  tracing via nid 11
   tracing via nid 12
   nid 12 busy by association 0
   tracing via nid 13
    tracing via nid 20
    nid 20 busy by association 0
    tracing via nid 24
    nid 24 returned 0
    tracing via nid 33
    nid 33 busy by association 0
   nid 13 returned 0
   tracing via nid 34
   nid 34 busy by association 2
   tracing via nid 35
    tracing via nid 8
    nid 8 returned 1
   nid 35 returned 1
  nid 11 returned 1
  tracing via nid 34
  nid 34 busy by association 2
  tracing via nid 35
   tracing via nid 8
   nid 8 returned 1
  nid 35 returned 1
 nid 24 returned 1
Pin 24 traced to ADC 8
Association 3 (4) trace succeeded
Tracing input monitor
Tracing nid 11 to out
 tracing via nid 11
  tracing via nid 12
  nid 12 found output association 0
  tracing via nid 13
   tracing via nid 20
   nid 20 found output association 0
   tracing via nid 24
   nid 24 busy by input association 3
   tracing via nid 33
   nid 33 found output association 0
  nid 13 returned 1
  tracing via nid 34
  nid 34 busy by input association 2
  tracing via nid 35
  nid 35 busy by input association 3
 nid 11 returned 1
nid 11 is input monitor
Tracing nid 35 to out
 tracing via nid 35
  tracing via nid 8
  nid 8 busy by input association 3
 nid 35 returned 0
Tracing other input monitors
Tracing nid 18 to out
 tracing via nid 18
  tracing via nid 34
  nid 34 busy by input association 2
 nid 18 returned 0
Tracing nid 24 to out
 tracing via nid 24
  tracing via nid 11
  nid 11 busy by input association 3
  tracing via nid 34
  nid 34 busy by input association 2
  tracing via nid 35
  nid 35 busy by input association 3
 nid 24 returned 0
Tracing beeper
Disabling unassociated widgets...
Disabling unassociated nid 3.
Disabling unassociated nid 4.
Disabling unassociated nid 5.
Disabling unassociated nid 7.
Disabling unassociated nid 10.
Disabling unassociated nid 14.
Disabling unassociated nid 16.
Disabling unassociated nid 17.
Disabling unassociated nid 19.
Disabling unassociated nid 21.
Disabling unassociated nid 22.
Disabling unassociated nid 28.
Disabling unassociated nid 31.
Disabling unassociated nid 32.
Disabling connection to input pin nid 24 conn 0.
Disabling nonselected inputs...
Disabling unselected connection nid 20 conn 1.
Disabling unselected connection nid 33 conn 1.
Disabling useless...
Disabling nid 13 connection 0 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 13 due to all it's consumers disabled.
Disabling crossassociated connections...
Disabling crossassociated connection nid 34 conn 0 cnid 24.
Disabling crossassociated connection nid 34 conn 5 cnid 11.
Disabling useless...
Binding associations to channels...
Assigning names to signal sources...
Parsing Ctls...
Assigning mixers to the tree...
Preparing pin controls...
AFG commit...
GPIO init: data=0x00000000 mask=0x00000000 dir=0x00000000
GPIO commit: data=0x00000001 mask=0x00000001 dir=0x00000001
Creating PCM devices...
pcmAttach: HDA Realtek ALC269 PCM #0 Analog at cad 0 nid 1
| DUMPING PCM Playback/Record Channels |


    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
           DAC: 2


    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
           ADC: 9

| DUMPING Playback/Record Paths |


   nid=20 [pin: Speaker (ATAPI)]
     + <- nid=12 [audio mixer]

   nid=33 [pin: Headphones (Black Left)]
     + <- nid=12 [audio mixer]


   nid=9 [audio input]
     + <- nid=34 [audio selector] [src: monitor] bindSeq=00000001

            + <- nid=18 [pin: Microphone (ATAPI)] [src: monitor] bindSeq=00000001

Input Mix:

   nid=35 [audio mixer]
     + <- nid=24 [pin: Microphone (Pink Left)] [src: mic] bindSeq=00000001

     + <- nid=11 [audio mixer]

| DUMPING Volume Controls |

Master Volume (OSS: vol)
  +- control  1 (nid   2 out):    dir - out oss: vol, pcm -65/+0dB (88 steps)
  +- control  5 (nid  12 in   0): dir - out oss: vol, pcm mute
  +- control  6 (nid  12 in   1): dir - out oss: vol, igain mute
  +- control  8 (nid  20 out):    dir - out oss: vol mute
  +- control 11 (nid  33 out):    dir - out oss: vol mute

PCM Volume (OSS: pcm)
  +- control  1 (nid   2 out):    dir - out oss: vol, pcm -65/+0dB (88 steps)
  +- control  5 (nid  12 in   0): dir - out oss: vol, pcm mute

Microphone2 Volume (OSS: monitor)
  +- control  7 (nid  18 in   0): dir - in oss: monitor +0/+36dB (4 steps)

Recording Level (OSS: rec)
  +- control  3 (nid   9 in   0): dir - in oss: rec -16/+30dB (32 steps) + mute

Input Monitoring Level (OSS: igain)
  +- control  6 (nid  12 in   1): dir - out oss: vol, igain mute

OSS mixer initialization...
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 34 source 6 select
Registering PCM channels...
pcmAttach: HDA Realtek ALC269 PCM #1 Digital at cad 0 nid 1
| DUMPING PCM Playback/Record Channels |


    Stream cap: 0x00000005
                AC3 PCM
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz
           DAC: 6

| DUMPING Playback/Record Paths |


   nid=30 [pin: SPDIF-out (Black Left)]
     + <- nid=6 [audio output] [src: pcm] bindSeq=00000001

| DUMPING Volume Controls |

OSS mixer initialization...
Registering PCM channels...
pcmAttach: HDA Realtek ALC269 PCM #2 Analog at cad 0 nid 1
| DUMPING PCM Playback/Record Channels |


    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
           ADC: 8

| DUMPING Playback/Record Paths |


   nid=8 [audio input]
     + <- nid=35 [audio mixer] [src: mix] bindSeq=00000001

            + <- nid=24 [pin: Microphone (Pink Left)] [src: mic] bindSeq=00000001

            + <- nid=11 [audio mixer]

| DUMPING Volume Controls |

Microphone Volume (OSS: mic)
  +- control 10 (nid  24 in   0): dir - in oss: mic +0/+36dB (4 steps)
  +- control 12 (nid  35 in   0): dir - in oss: mic, rec mute

Recording Level (OSS: rec)
  +- control  2 (nid   8 in   0): dir - in oss: mix, rec -16/+30dB (32 steps) + mute
  +- control 12 (nid  35 in   0): dir - in oss: mic, rec mute
  +- control 13 (nid  35 in   5): dir - in oss: rec mute

Input Mix Level (OSS: mix)
  +- control  2 (nid   8 in   0): dir - in oss: mix, rec -16/+30dB (32 steps) + mute

Input Monitoring Level (OSS: igain)
  +- control  4 (nid  11 in   0): dir - in oss: igain -34/+12dB (32 steps) + mute

OSS mixer initialization...
Registering PCM channels...
FG config/quirks: gpio0 forcestereo ivref50 ivref80 ivref100 ivref
HP switch init...


Default Parameter
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
        IN amp: 0x00000000
       OUT amp: 0x00000000

           nid: 2
          Name: audio output
    Widget cap: 0x0000001d
   Association: 0 (0x00008001)
           OSS: pcm (pcm)
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
    Output amp: 0x00025757
                mute=0 step=87 size=2 offset=87
    Output val: [0x42 0x42]

           nid: 3 [DISABLED]
          Name: audio output
    Widget cap: 0x0000001d
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
    Output amp: 0x00025757
                mute=0 step=87 size=2 offset=87
    Output val: [0x57 0x57]

           nid: 4 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 5 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 6
          Name: audio output
    Widget cap: 0x00000211
                DIGITAL STEREO
   Association: 1 (0x00000001)
           OSS: pcm (pcm)
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz

           nid: 7 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 8
          Name: audio input
    Widget cap: 0x0010011b
   Association: 3 (0x00000001)
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
     Input amp: 0x80051f0b
                mute=1 step=31 size=5 offset=11
     Input val: [0x80 0x80] 
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=35 [audio mixer]

           nid: 9
          Name: audio input
    Widget cap: 0x0010011b
   Association: 2 (0x00000001)
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
     Input amp: 0x80051f0b
                mute=1 step=31 size=5 offset=11
     Input val: [0x17 0x17] 
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=34 [audio selector]

           nid: 10 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 11
          Name: audio mixer
    Widget cap: 0x0020010b
   Association: 3 (0x00000001)
           OSS:  (igain)
     Input amp: 0x80051f17
                mute=1 step=31 size=5 offset=23
     Input val: [0x1C 0x1C] [0x97 0x97] [0x97 0x97] [0x97 0x97] [0x97 0x97] 
   connections: 5 enabled 1
         + <- nid=24 [pin: Microphone (Pink Left)]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=25 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=26 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=27 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=29 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]

           nid: 12
          Name: audio mixer
    Widget cap: 0x0020010b
   Association: 0 (0x00008001)
           OSS:  (igain)
     Input amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
     Input val: [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] 
   connections: 2 enabled 2
         + <- nid=2 [audio output]
         + <- nid=11 [audio mixer]

           nid: 13 [DISABLED]
          Name: audio mixer
    Widget cap: 0x0020010b
   Association: -2 (0x00000000)
     Input amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
     Input val: [0x00 0x00] [0x80 0x80] 
   connections: 2 enabled 1
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=3 [audio output] [DISABLED]
         + <- nid=11 [audio mixer]

           nid: 14 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 15 [DISABLED]
          Name: audio mixer
    Widget cap: 0x0020010a
     Input amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
     Input val: [0x00 0x00] [0x80 0x80] 
   connections: 2 enabled 2
         + <- nid=2 [audio output]
         + <- nid=11 [audio mixer]

           nid: 16 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 17 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 18
          Name: pin: Microphone (ATAPI)
    Widget cap: 0x0040000b
   Association: 2 (0x00000001)
           OSS: monitor (monitor)
       Pin cap: 0x00000020
    Pin config: 0x99a30930
   Pin control: 0x00000020 IN
     Input amp: 0x002f0300
                mute=0 step=3 size=47 offset=0
     Input val: 

           nid: 19 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 20
          Name: pin: Speaker (ATAPI)
    Widget cap: 0x0040018d
                UNSOL STEREO
   Association: 0 (0x00000001)
       Pin cap: 0x00010014
                PDC OUT EAPD
    Pin config: 0x99130110
   Pin control: 0x00000040 OUT
          EAPD: 0x00000002
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x00 0x00]
   connections: 2 enabled 1
         + <- nid=12 [audio mixer] (selected)
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=13 [audio mixer] [DISABLED]

           nid: 21 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 22 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 23 [DISABLED]
          Name: pin: Speaker (None)
    Widget cap: 0x0040010c
       Pin cap: 0x00000010
    Pin config: 0x411111f0
   Pin control: 0x00000000
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x80 0x80]
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=15 [audio mixer] [DISABLED]

           nid: 24
          Name: pin: Microphone (Pink Left)
    Widget cap: 0x0040018f
                UNSOL STEREO
   Association: 3 (0x00000001)
           OSS: mic (mic)
       Pin cap: 0x00001734
                PDC OUT IN VREF[ 50 80 GROUND HIZ ]
    Pin config: 0x03a19840
   Pin control: 0x00000024 IN VREFs
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x00 0x00]
     Input amp: 0x002f0300
                mute=0 step=3 size=47 offset=0
     Input val: [0x02 0x02] 
   connections: 1 enabled 0
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=13 [audio mixer] [DISABLED]

           nid: 25 [DISABLED]
          Name: pin: Speaker (None)
    Widget cap: 0x0040008b
                UNSOL STEREO
       Pin cap: 0x00001724
                PDC IN VREF[ 50 80 GROUND HIZ ]
    Pin config: 0x411111f0
   Pin control: 0x00000000
     Input amp: 0x002f0300
                mute=0 step=3 size=47 offset=0
     Input val: 

           nid: 26 [DISABLED]
          Name: pin: Speaker (None)
    Widget cap: 0x0040018f
                UNSOL STEREO
       Pin cap: 0x0000003c
                PDC HP OUT IN
    Pin config: 0x411111f0
   Pin control: 0x00000000
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x80 0x80]
     Input amp: 0x002f0300
                mute=0 step=3 size=47 offset=0
     Input val: [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] 
   connections: 2 enabled 2
         + <- nid=12 [audio mixer] (selected)
         + <- nid=13 [audio mixer] [DISABLED]

           nid: 27 [DISABLED]
          Name: pin: Speaker (None)
    Widget cap: 0x0040018f
                UNSOL STEREO
       Pin cap: 0x00000034
                PDC OUT IN
    Pin config: 0x411111f0
   Pin control: 0x00000000
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x80 0x80]
     Input amp: 0x002f0300
                mute=0 step=3 size=47 offset=0
     Input val: [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] 
   connections: 2 enabled 2
         + <- nid=12 [audio mixer] (selected)
         + <- nid=13 [audio mixer] [DISABLED]

           nid: 28 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 29 [DISABLED]
          Name: pin: Speaker (None)
    Widget cap: 0x00400000
       Pin cap: 0x00000020
    Pin config: 0x4017992d
   Pin control: 0x00000000

           nid: 30
          Name: pin: SPDIF-out (Black Left)
    Widget cap: 0x00400381
                DIGITAL UNSOL STEREO
   Association: 1 (0x00000001)
       Pin cap: 0x00000014
                PDC OUT
    Pin config: 0x03451120
   Pin control: 0x00000040 OUT
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=6 [audio output]

           nid: 31 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00000

           nid: 32 [DISABLED]
          Name: vendor widget
    Widget cap: 0x00f00040

           nid: 33
          Name: pin: Headphones (Black Left)
    Widget cap: 0x0040018d
                UNSOL STEREO
   Association: 0 (0x00008000)
       Pin cap: 0x0000001c
                PDC HP OUT
    Pin config: 0x0321101f
   Pin control: 0x000000c0 HP OUT
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x00 0x00]
   connections: 2 enabled 1
         + <- nid=12 [audio mixer] (selected)
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=13 [audio mixer] [DISABLED]

           nid: 34
          Name: audio selector
    Widget cap: 0x0030010b
   Association: 2 (0x00000001)
           OSS: monitor
   connections: 7 enabled 1
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=24 [pin: Microphone (Pink Left)]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=25 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=26 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=27 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=29 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=11 [audio mixer]
         + <- nid=18 [pin: Microphone (ATAPI)] (selected)

           nid: 35
          Name: audio mixer
    Widget cap: 0x0020010b
   Association: 3 (0x00000001)
           OSS: mix (mix)
     Input amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
     Input val: [0x00 0x00] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x00 0x00] 
   connections: 6 enabled 2
         + <- nid=24 [pin: Microphone (Pink Left)]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=25 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=26 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=27 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=29 [pin: Speaker (None)] [DISABLED]
         + <- nid=11 [audio mixer]

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You can set it in MixerValues. You probably need to change other value to have audio after muting iGain, maybe iMix. Play with the sliders in prefPane then edit Info.plist with good values



You can also use VoodooHdaSettingsLoader to restore prefPane values at startup (add it to Login Items).


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i am going to destroy this card :evil:

in voodoo prefpane i can only set gain, mix and pcm

if gain is different from 0 pc start to make noise with speaker and the other 2 are useless, and if i try to change somethings in normal audio prefpane i have to force quit it

i think the system begin to see my soundcard but it don't know how to use it, maybe an injector like HDAenabler can help?

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Try to set in Info.plist




also set IOPCIPrimaryMatch as you did before (important to avoid conflict with HDMI audio)


It works perfectly on the laptop in my signature, same audio codec.


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noise disappear, but there is still no sound

i notice that volume control on keyboard doesn't work well, first press i see the icon on the screen, fro second press no icon and after some seconds the system lose the audio card, it reconnect only if i open audio menu

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Try this, it's the one I use (2.7.2 already edited)



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Skrill danielnmaldonado@gmail.com - BTC 33HeGCuCSh4tUBqdYkQqKpSDa1E7WeAJQ3

PicPay @danielnmaldonado - PiX @danielnmaldonado@gmail.com

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