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Integrated(HD2500) + Discrete (GT620)

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hello guys, I've got Mavericks 10.9 working on my i5 3470 /w GT620 , I'm using 2 screens , as my GPU doesn't offer third output screen, I was wondering if I could use my 3rd screen with the Intel HD Graphics 2500 output, I've already tried to enable it from BIOS but it seems like it's not detected, even if I put intrgrated graphics as the main one, during the boot, the system is using the integrated graphics, once it boots, it start using the discrete graphics, while the integrated Graphics shows a freezing screen stucked on the apple logo with the wheel..

I guess it may be configured somehow, but I don't know what I have to do actually.

Thanks for tips guys :)

Ps : I've tried IGPEnabler=Yes


Without getting anything working..

Any tips from you guys would be awesome

Thank you

MSI H61M-P31/W8 • Intel Core i5 ™ 3470 @3,20Ghz • 8GB RAM • ZOTAC GTX1050Ti 4GB • DUALBOOT HIGH SIERRA/WINDOWS 10

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