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Just built new PC and trying to install Mavericks for the past 2 days...

finally got past loading drivers, now stuck at kernel panic, cant capture the screen, but it says something about UiMiIntiliaze invalid number of root hub ports??

Also something about AppleHDA failed to load??

Currently runnning Kubuntu and ran the system info from your site, everything checked out as ok for my system

Ive tried some of the boot flags suggested from your site, but no luck

(cpus=1,USBBusFix=yes, npci,graphicsenabler,PCIrootuid, -x -f -v)

Any suggestions?


My setup

Mainboard-Asus Z87-plus

CPU Intel i5-4670k

GPU-ATI Radeon HD4850

SSD-Corsair 128GB

RAM-Corsair 16GB 2133 DDR3




something about this and that don't help

post detailed info


from boot

don't expect a easy install

what u use to boot .. loader

good hack

PB Easy Note TM 86 - i5 430 M - H55M - Ram - 6 GB - Alc272 - Radeon HD 5470 512 QE/CI

Lenovo G500 - i5 3230m - HM77 - Ram - 8 GB - Conexant audio - HD 4000

My OS X Files 


Ok got a little further, seems to be a problem with USB kext, so removed them, now stuck at waiting for root device, so i tried 3rd party AHCI kext, no luck??

see attached screen shot

any advice?




As for more info ok

I am using Olarila OS X Mavericks USB bootable image from TPB

I have tried both chameleon and clover boot options

for the kernel panic problem i removed these

/OS X Install USB/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.8/GenericUSBXHCI.kext

/OS X Install USB/System/Library/Extensions/backup/IOUSBFamily.kext

that got me past the kernel panic, but stuck at waiting for root device

did some more research saw some people had success with 3rd Party AHCI kext, so i added that to the Extensions folder...but it did not work. Also tried AHCIDisk=1. npci=0x2000 and (0x3000), dsdt=null, usekernelcache=no, USBBusFix=yes

none of these options have made a difference...maybe you have something i don't know




if u remove the iousbfamilly .. how the usb works ?

xHCI Mode see how options u have in bios , try to set to auto

xHCI Hand-off / EHCI Hand-off see if are enabled

how to set the bios





good hack

PB Easy Note TM 86 - i5 430 M - H55M - Ram - 6 GB - Alc272 - Radeon HD 5470 512 QE/CI

Lenovo G500 - i5 3230m - HM77 - Ram - 8 GB - Conexant audio - HD 4000

My OS X Files 


thanks for the info but the link u referenced requires a working mac, which i do not have...there is good info there but most are post install issues i cant even get to the installer; still stuck at waiting for root device. i know there is a fix as i have seen many people with this issue resolved, but i cant seem to get it working

as for the usb issues i got it worked it with the bios changes you suggested.

thanks i keep looking

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