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[ IMPORTANT ] We do not support sites like...


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First - We don't ban anything if you posted links or files from these sites. It's just a warning. Every place has great and amazing people.

We do not support sites like Reedit Hackintosh with many comercial sellers and the admins do nothing, TonyMac stolen things from others check HERELittle-Translated and OpenCore Visual Beginners is just a copy like a retarded parrot from good and hard work from daliansky check HERE. These sites have a bunch of non-sense, dangerous things, malware, bloated and is not good to one Real Vanilla Hackintosh! Here we are transparent, just use your antivirus to confirm my words.

A good example is the user 5T33Z0. For this newbie, hackintosh started after OpenCore, so disregard the words of this NaziFascist mule.
This guy injects wrong properties in devices, etc without having the slightest idea what doing. Pay attention to this combination --> little theory and no practice. This has been discussed for many years here and always with the same result: "My Vanilla is better!" In this case the ideal is test the two or more methods and draw your own conclusions and not believe in people who are thought parrots of others without thought of their own and never produced anything but copying words from other sources.

In the image below we see one of the aberrations. RTC vs ARTC ebmtt8w.png

We do not support the use of tools such as Unibeast and Multibeast as well as distros such as iAtkos, Niresh and such. Use Olarila Images or create your personal USB stick

Here we builded professional Hackintosh for Audio producers, Video producers, XCode Developers, etc with personal EFI folders and personal FULL ACPI patched like one Real Apple computer. Either way you always have both options. Olarila.com provides EFI folders with SSDT's and also with complete ACPI solution. Just check downloads HERE and HERE.

Welcome and Enjoy to Olarila.com!

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-Guides and Tutorials HERE

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-The largest EFI folder collection for Hackintosh HERE

-Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a donation HERE

-Professional Consulting for macOS Hackintosh since 2006 HERE

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I used everything they say for two years. Sucks. Olarila solved my problems with hackintosh without any junk ssdt collection. I'm very grateful. We have to ignore these guys who just keep copying/pasting. You don't need any knowledge for that but it's really not a good solution.

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On 8/17/2022 at 10:07 PM, girino said:

Steezo producing the latest vanilla hackintosh



On 8/21/2022 at 11:20 AM, blackinternal said:

Steezo, Ivan Cafieiro, Anup and many others they are just frustrated newbies not understanding much about the subject and just using information that is already on the web. It has no home of its own and no thought of its own.

Facebook pages are dominated by these noobs.
Anup is an unscrupulous religious fundamentalist.
Ivan was a spam moderator, but manage to lose status.
Stezzo is just a crybaby.

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On 8/18/2022 at 8:14 AM, bicolino said:


the naked truth

that will cause hemmoroids!  I know what im talking about, been there done that ! lol


On 8/23/2022 at 8:45 AM, MaLd0n said:

Hi guys!

Vanilla Hackintosh 


Hey Maldon,whats up homie! I am very pleased to see that You spoke up about this slandering of Your Name.  I would see that on Reddit and that would piss me off and I would stop and say something in your defense many times. Go check the threads if you don't believe me! But anyways I knew You would handle it in your own time and in your own way! So this is very pleasing to see. It would make me lil upset when I would see them talking trash and slandering your name bro. Maldon You are the one who taught me DSDT, never one time did you say a word of discouragement to me ever. And I have come ten times as far as where I was when we last spoke months ago. But to summarize on some real shit........they wouldn't say none of that stuff to your face Maldon. And if they did lol! They only do it one time, not again.  Hollar at ya later Bro


On 8/23/2022 at 8:36 AM, crystalwar said:

I wouldn't even waste my time with this rubbish. Here the best hackintosh is produced, there the worst is produced.

I told them fools on reddit "Vanilla".....shit! Over half of y'all can't even get past the boot screen or boot your systems. Got for or 5 side loaded SSDTs which by the way there is absolutely nothing wrong with SSDT at all, but when somebody gonna side load 4 SSDTs and then scream they got a vanilla system ,,,,well that's just hilarious. Hackintosh is great and you get it to run as good as you can make it run. I dislike them mouthy people overture. Haters is what they are straight haters.


On 8/16/2022 at 8:29 AM, MaLd0n said:

First - We don't ban anything if you posted links or files from these sites. It's just a warning. Every place has great and amazing people.

We do not support sites like Reedit, TonyMac, Little-Translated, OpenCore Visual Beginners and others. These sites have a bunch of non-sense and dangerous things and is not good to one Real Vanilla Hackintosh!

A good example is the user 5T33Z0.
This guy injects wrong properties in devices, etc without having the slightest idea what doing. Pay attention to this combination --> little theory and no practice. This has been discussed for many years here and always with the same result: "My Vanilla is better!" In this case, the ideal is for you to test the two or more methods and draw your own conclusions and not believe in people who are thought parrots of others without thought of their own and never produced anything but copying words from other sources.

In the image below we see one of the aberrations. RTC vs ARTC :boxing


We do not support the use of tools such as Unibeast and Multibeast as well as distros such as iAtkos, Niresh and such. Use Olarila Images or create your personal USB stick

Here we builded professional Hackintosh for Audio producers, Video producers, XCode Developers, etc with personal EFI folders and personal FULL ACPI patched like one Real Apple computer. Either way you always have both options. Olarila.com provides EFI folders with SSDT's and also with complete ACPI solution. Just check downloads HERE and HERE.

Welcome and Enjoy to Olarila.com!


thats missing a entire section. IRQNoFlags ()\n
                             }\n         if patching via txt file  otherwise samething but without the \n   


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1 hour ago, rickiethadragon said:

that will cause hemmoroids!  I know what im talking about, been there done that ! lol


-Guides and Tutorials HERE

-Hackintosh Tutorial Database - HERE

-The largest EFI folder collection for Hackintosh HERE

-Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a donation HERE

-Professional Consulting for macOS Hackintosh since 2006 HERE

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1 hour ago, rickiethadragon said:

I told them fools on reddit "Vanilla".....shit! Over half of y'all can't even get past the boot screen or boot your systems. Got for or 5 side loaded SSDTs which by the way there is absolutely nothing wrong with SSDT at all, but when somebody gonna side load 4 SSDTs and then scream they got a vanilla system ,,,,well that's just hilarious. Hackintosh is great and you get it to run as good as you can make it run. I dislike them mouthy people overture. Haters is what they are straight haters.

Best to ignore these guys. In addition to not having thoughts of their own, most have tried both methods and we know the truth. The others are just sycophants.:ugeek:

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