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Im totally NEW to Hackintosh but I have run mac on virtual box for months, the thing is...


These are my specs and I'll use any version of OSX that I can use

GA-Z77-D3H F18 Bios (have F14 Available if needed)

Radeon HD 7770

I5 3570K Ivybridge

x2 4GB 1600MHz RAM

I know I have got the right bios settings set up,

but i always get dtds not found or somthing like that.

what does it mean?

I can run this forums Moutian lion 10.8 iso and install it fine in virtual box

without this problem.

Also i get a bunch of gibberish ipsum lorum kinda stuff when i try to boot with

GraphicsEnabler=Yes what's that about???

I'll be so greatfull to anyone who can help me with this, sound wont be a problem

I'll just buy a compatible 7.1 sound card if the one on my board cant work.

(although I'd rather not have to)

Thanks in advance Fatboynate.



You can install it don't only emulate it

You will rarely have OSX running 80% in VB, but you can have OSX running 100% in hardware...

Because VB use a emulated hardware(Fake Hardware) so you wont use your real hardware

My advice is you install OSX in hardware...

You can make a usb installer using an bootable image

ML: http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3101


MV: http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3836

Any problem in installation, boot with -v and posta a image error

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