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Error booting normal but works fine on safe mode

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I have tried doing what the other posts have said and tried moving/removing kexts. but I got one of two errors. And if no error it's just the greyish white screen with the rainbow pinwheel.

this is the most recent one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gxw7plpy9wuomgn/Photo%20Nov%2007%2C%202%2004%2023%20PM.jpg

the other is:

SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR MSDS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fHashKeyTable=0x0xffffff8025ea1ee0

cpu: i7

Gpu: Geforce 650

motherboard: Gigabyte H77-DS3H


Better solution is using dart=0 or dropping DMAR table. No need to rollback kext.

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