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ethernet card injection in dsdt


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Hi everyone,

i install succesfully my hackintosh on the zotac h67-itx-c-e, all workin: ethernet,audio,usb,etc..

I want to install avid media composer but it doesn't want to activate the app if there is no device in the system information , ethernet card.

My ethernet workin but isn't recognize as an ethernet card in the system information so avid think that i haven't ethernet card. I fixed this problem in my other hackintosh using EFIStrings added in com.apple.. file .

I am trying to inject it in my dsdt but unsuccesfully.

I use ioregexplorer to show where my ethernet build in is : PEX2

So i added as a sub device in PEX2:


Device (ETH0)
           Name (_ADR, Zero)
           Name (_PRW, Package (0x02)
           Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                Store (Package (0x06)
                        Buffer (One)

                       Buffer (0x09)

                        Buffer (0x24)
                           "Realtek RTL8111/8168B PCI-E Gigabit"
                        }, Local0)
                        DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                        Return (Local0)

But it doesn't inject the ethernet information in the System Informations\Ethernet Card

Have you any clues for help me?


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post ioreg

I use it

Device (LAN0)
                   Name (_ADR, Zero)
                   Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                       Store (Package (0x08)
                               Buffer (0x07)

                               Buffer (0x2B)
                                   "RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet"

                               Buffer (One)

                               Buffer (0x14)
                                   "Ethernet Controller"
                           }, Local0)
                       DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                       Return (Local0)

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sorry for the late answer, i was very busy with getting full working hackintosh,

for the ethernet injection, it was a bad installled kext, after reinstall it withkext utility, the ethernet card information card appear but no avid media composer activation possible because avid don't give us the system id when we try to activate it with telephone.

But after injection in the dsdt of the ETH0 device, it give us the system id.

Your dsdt eth0 fix is different from the one i use

i have built in 0x01 and you 0x00, what does it change?

you don't use the PWR info, have you wake on lan capability?

thanks for all

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sorry for the late answer, i was very busy with getting full working hackintosh,

for the ethernet injection, it was a bad installled kext, after reinstall it withkext utility, the ethernet card information card appear but no avid media composer activation possible because avid don't give us the system id when we try to activate it with telephone.

But after injection in the dsdt of the ETH0 device, it give us the system id.

Your dsdt eth0 fix is different from the one i use

i have built in 0x01 and you 0x00, what does it change?

you don't use the PWR info, have you wake on lan capability?

thanks for all

my patches are based on a Mac Real ioreg




use it


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