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First thanks for the USB installer. It worked a treat after some research and deleting the video kexts with transmac and booting with graphics enabler=no -f. I now have a working, well almost version of mountain lion.

However I have an issue with my mousepad. Before I log in the cursor and mouse work fine. After I am logged into the desktop however, the pad moves the pointer but the buttons and tapping on the pad do not. So I am actually unable to do anything?

I have tried plugging in a USB mouse but it is not recognised. Does anyone have any ideas on what this is as I need to start installing wifi etc but can't.

So close yet so far away lol.



which version of the installer are you using?

Are the USB ports 3.0 or 2.0?

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Hi. It's the USB installer. I managed to use a keyboard controls tutorial to get into the mouse settings and enable clicking. So I can now navigate through things :).

Wish me luck for the next part lol.


Ok. Now I have that sorted. When I install chameleon to the hard drive. It boots from that fine but the keyboard and the trackpad don't work at all.

This is sooooo confusing lol.

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