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Some of the forum posts say to boot with dash options, like

-v -f -s

And other options too... But i was curious how do i boot with these dash options ?

i'm doing a VirtualBox installation, but according to what i've read on the forums, i believe i have to boot with -s into safemode ? And run some commands. (Because the installation is complete... the OS just won't load up).


in the timeout of the chameleon, you will type these commands.

the safe boot is -x. -s is single user.

you better read the tutos, my friend.

Se quando viaja faz o que quer, quando viajar, não leve a mulher ----  No PM support. Use the forum.
MBP 2012 I7 12GB 512GB (macOS 13.6.7 & macOS 15b) OCLP

Lenovo Core I5 6200U 8Gb 256Gb HD520 (macOS 15b) OC

Ryzen 7 5700X 32Gb 2Tb nvme RTX 3060TI 8Gb (W11)


Yeah you just press any button and there will be a new line on the screen where you can write the commands. It just pops up :)

Asrock z77 pro4 - I5 ivy bridge - Gigabyte Ati radeon 7870 OC edition - Acer 27" - OS: Mountain lion 10.8.4

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