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Hi guys,

I've managed to successfully install Mountain Lion 10.8.3 (unishit + multishit) on my HP Envy 17-1050ep. Everything is detected and working smoothly except for the graphics card - an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5850 - which I can't get to be recognized. This is what "System Reports > Graphics/Displays" reports:


Type:                  GPU
Bus:                   PCIe
PCIe Lane Width:       x16
VRAM (Total):          3MB
Vendor:                ATI (0x1002)
Device ID:             0x68a1
Revision ID:           0x0000
Kernel Extension Info: No Kext Loaded

       Resolution:    1024x768
       Pixel Depth:   32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
       Main Display:  Yes
       Mirror:        Off
       Online:        Yes


Currently I must boot with


. I've tried almost every framebuffer personality using

GraphicsEnabler=Yes AtiConfig=<personality>

but to no avail, for I can't even get the system to display the login screen.

Can anyone please help me out with getting the card to be recognized? I don't really care about HDMI, extra monitors or any other "advanced" functionality as long as I can get full resolution.

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