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Intel HD4000 Blank screen after upgrading LCD to 1600x900

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Hey guys,

I have an alienware m14xr2 with a 1366x768 lcd and an intelhd4000. I had the intel hd4000 working perfectly with the the 1366x768 original lcd that came with the laptop. I wanted to upgrade my screen to a 900P screen (1600x900). I checked both my OSX and Win7 partitions before installing the lcd and they both loaded fine. I installed the lcd into the laptop and booted into windows 7 to verify it worked fine before putting the laptop together. I verified the resolution also and windows 7 was using 1600x900. Then i tried to boot into OSX (10.8.3) and it went to the chameleon screen, then apple screen popped up. After the pinwheel stopped spinning the screen flickered and went blank. I know the system is booted because i can hear the volume changer dinging.

I have also tried all the efi strings for the intel hd4000 by creating copies of my chameleon.boot.plist file and loading it through boot flags when i launch my osx system.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening? I also cant boot into safe mode, the screen is still blank. I was thinking of removing the intelhd4000 kexts but was looking for any other suggestions before doing that.

Thanks in advance,

These are the strings i tried.

ig-platform-id: 01660000, Stolen RAM for FB: 96MB, Pipes: 3, Ports: 4, FBMem: 3
ig-platform-id: 01660001, Stolen RAM for FB: 96MB, Pipes: 3, Ports: 4, FBMem: 3
ig-platform-id: 01660002, Stolen RAM for FB: 64MB, Pipes: 3, Ports: 1, FBMem: 1
ig-platform-id: 01660003, Stolen RAM for FB: 64MB, Pipes: 2, Ports: 2, FBMem: 2
ig-platform-id: 01660004, Stolen RAM for FB: 32MB, Pipes: 3, Ports: 1, FBMem: 1
ig-platform-id: 01660008, Stolen RAM for FB: 64MB, Pipes: 3, Ports: 3, FBMem: 3
ig-platform-id: 01660009, Stolen RAM for FB: 64MB, Pipes: 3, Ports: 3, FBMem: 3
ig-platform-id: 0166000A, Stolen RAM for FB: 32MB, Pipes: 2, Ports: 3, FBMem: 2
ig-platform-id: 0166000B, Stolen RAM for FB: 32MB, Pipes: 2, Ports: 3, FBMem: 2



you can try to inject both ig-platform-id and DualLink properties.

What value of ig-platform-id did you use previously?

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the 1660003 platform id worked perfect for me. I tried to do a duallink/platform id injection in dsdt but it still wont work. Maybe i did it wrong? I have attached the original dsdt, the edited dsdt with duallink and the patch i used. Can someone please help me?

Files are,

DSDT.aml/DSDT.dsl = dsdt's that i was using before i swapped the lcd. Everything worked great

DSDTORIG.dsl = extracted a fresh dsdt using dsdt editor

duallink = the patch i used to inject the duallink/platform-id

alienwarem14x.txt = the patch i used from Olarila to patch my dsdt

DSDTpatched.aml/.dsl = the DSDT that worked great before swapping lcds, that is patched using the duallink patch. When i patched it there was an error that said _dsm already exists. So under the GFX0 section i deleted the _dsm method that was causing a conflict. Basically i guess the patch created a new _dsm so i just removed the older entry. Maybe this is the reason why?



The idea was to merge both patches

            Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
               Store (Package (0x04)
                       Buffer (0x04)
                            0x03, 0x00, 0x66, 0x01
                       Buffer (0x04)
                            0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
                   }, Local0)
               DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
               Return (Local0)

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            Method (_DSM, 4, Serialized)
               Name (DRET, Buffer (0x04)
               If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10)
                           /* 0000 */   0xE1, 0x75, 0x39, 0x6F, 0x82, 0x7A, 0x67, 0x4F,
                           /* 0008 */   0x8B, 0x97, 0x15, 0xBE, 0xE0, 0x60, 0xBE, 0xDF
                   If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero))
                       CreateWordField (DRET, Zero, F0SS)
                       Store (0x02, F0SS)
                       Return (DRET)
                   If (LEqual (Arg2, One))
                       If (LEqual (^^PEG0.PEGP.LNKV, 0x03))
                           Return (Zero)
                       Return (One)
               Return (DRET)


Thats my _dsm section under the GFX0, im sorry how do i combine the two. I am not the best when it comes to this stuff.


Delete the original _DSM. If you don't want to, use device-properties string instead.

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I tried to delete the original _dsm and I still have the blank screen. From my understanding, I need the dual link patch for any resolution above 1366x768. Maybe I am mistaken. My system ran great before I upgraded the LCD, I wanted a higher resolution screen. It works perfectly fine under windows 7. I had the Id injected into the device properties of the chameleon.boot.plist file. But since upgrading it just has a black screen.

I also just tried 8 different dsdts with all of the 0166000* injects into my dsdt and it sti has a blank screen. Any other ideas?


Same problem with my lenovo g780, i solved with this in org.chameleon.Boot.plist:

Graphics Mode





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