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Help me please

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I've been running Logic Pro x on monterey 12.0.1 or about 2 months now and it runs quite smooth, a few crashes here and there but since projects always get saved I won't complain. But, on the other hand, I've never had the playhead, it just doesn't exist! (By playhead I mean the bar that moves along while playing).

I did found some people saying that minimizing and opening again fixes the playhead, but it won't in my case, it's never been there to begin with. I also tried to re-install logic and that didn't fix the problem. I guess this might be a hackintosh problem, some things like videos and some apps don't run smooth at all, but I really only need logic.

(If I miss something I'm sorry, not sure what's important or not)
Gigabyte h410m h v3
Intel Core i-5 10th gen 10400 
*I don't  have graphic card

PS: I'm sorry if this post isn't supposed to be here, I didn't know where to fit it.
Have a nice day :)

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