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My laptop stopped working


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Hello Mald0n,

My laptop suddenly stopped working with your fine tuned EFI and DSDT.aml and USBPort.kext.

Now I pasted public EFI folder at Olarila.com and runme at attached please kindly check what to do. I also attach old EFI which was working before

OLD_EFI.zip Send me MacBook-Pro.home.zip

In generosity and helping others, be like a river

In compassion and grace, be like the sun

In concealing others’ faults, be like the night

In anger and fury, be like a dead

In humility and modesty, be like the earth

In tolerance, be like the sea

Either look as you are or be as you look

by Rumi

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what happens with old efi folder

post one photo in error screen

is not common error

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56 minutes ago, MaLd0n said:

what happens with old efi folder

post one photo in error screen

is not common error

Stuck at boot bar and not open. Now Public EFI works with minor issues like newly installed.

In generosity and helping others, be like a river

In compassion and grace, be like the sun

In concealing others’ faults, be like the night

In anger and fury, be like a dead

In humility and modesty, be like the earth

In tolerance, be like the sea

Either look as you are or be as you look

by Rumi

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My old config plist never working.


Below does not work with new config plist in EFI;

  • mouse synaptic not working
  • bluetooth not working

USBPort.kext is old one which was created by your tutorial

System Lenovo E480 Laptop / i5 8250u cpu + Uhd 620 gpu

Edited by uisik34
link mistake

In generosity and helping others, be like a river

In compassion and grace, be like the sun

In concealing others’ faults, be like the night

In anger and fury, be like a dead

In humility and modesty, be like the earth

In tolerance, be like the sea

Either look as you are or be as you look

by Rumi

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Should I remap USB ports?

In generosity and helping others, be like a river

In compassion and grace, be like the sun

In concealing others’ faults, be like the night

In anger and fury, be like a dead

In humility and modesty, be like the earth

In tolerance, be like the sea

Either look as you are or be as you look

by Rumi

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Ioreg two file one of them is ioreg 3


In generosity and helping others, be like a river

In compassion and grace, be like the sun

In concealing others’ faults, be like the night

In anger and fury, be like a dead

In humility and modesty, be like the earth

In tolerance, be like the sea

Either look as you are or be as you look

by Rumi

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Unfortunately did not work.

I switched to install Monterey. Better fresh install new release if i will do everything from the begining.

I really have no idea what broke working flawless laptop on Catalina.?

In generosity and helping others, be like a river

In compassion and grace, be like the sun

In concealing others’ faults, be like the night

In anger and fury, be like a dead

In humility and modesty, be like the earth

In tolerance, be like the sea

Either look as you are or be as you look

by Rumi

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Now freshly installed Monterey and made USB Mapping by last tutorial on your web site (SSDT-UIAC method)

Attached Runme , IOReg and screenshot of kext folder, system pix in archive as well.


Still same devices not working;

Synaptics Mouse and Bluetooth

? This never happened before on this machine

Arşiv.zip MacBook Pro.zip Send me Ufuk-MBP.home.zip

In generosity and helping others, be like a river

In compassion and grace, be like the sun

In concealing others’ faults, be like the night

In anger and fury, be like a dead

In humility and modesty, be like the earth

In tolerance, be like the sea

Either look as you are or be as you look

by Rumi

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u need use voodoops2 instead voodooi2c


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1 hour ago, MaLd0n said:

u need use voodoops2 instead voodooi2c


Has no change. 

Can. you send DSDT.aml new for Monterey or I can use above?

1 hour ago, MaLd0n said:

u need use voodoops2 instead voodooi2c


I used above DSDT.aml and still no success for synaptic and bluetooth.

In generosity and helping others, be like a river

In compassion and grace, be like the sun

In concealing others’ faults, be like the night

In anger and fury, be like a dead

In humility and modesty, be like the earth

In tolerance, be like the sea

Either look as you are or be as you look

by Rumi

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19 hours ago, MaLd0n said:

dsdt is same, trackpad and bt is a kext solution


Weird, I was using same kext folder before without issue. I think it is something changed after Catalina last update and later versions. I will try other alternates.

In generosity and helping others, be like a river

In compassion and grace, be like the sun

In concealing others’ faults, be like the night

In anger and fury, be like a dead

In humility and modesty, be like the earth

In tolerance, be like the sea

Either look as you are or be as you look

by Rumi

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First Your DSDT.aml  had 4 Errors in it. (I fixed Them) I can attach screenshots. Here is your efi with only a few chnges mainly in your framebuffer section under device properties and your kexts folder. Updated to O.C 7.7 . 

Note: if your using a intel 8250U I dont know why your not trying out the MBP 15,2 SMBIOS?   It appears to be a closer match then the 14,1. But You may have your own reasons I understand. Anyhow try it out see if it works.  I couldnt tidy up all i have to go to work for awhile but i tried to get it as close as possible. Let me know if works. https://we.tl/t-PZDt86VXqP.  there is a link with efi  if you would like to try. screenshots are in the archive zip have agood day


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