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z370 "intel 200 series pch audio" no volume rocker


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i couldnt find this in AppleALC resources ( matching layout ).

Audio works fine on my USB Interfaces, however, volume hast to be set inside playback application, no option for system sounds volume or general master volume. If i use volume scroller on my keyboard, disabled image appears.

If using Built-In analog Out, volume rocker works, but coming from other os, i was always able to control volume even for USB devices.


My question: is it normal macos behavior so ill live with it or can volume rocker be working for USB out?


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21 hours ago, MaLd0n said:

I re-checked and the layout is set correctly.


Im searching for a tool to take my audio stream, shave off like 50dB and then route it out of the system. Like a intermediate modification of the soundstream, EQ options would be appreciated too!

I guess this is not a hackintosh question but a macOS general question.

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