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I need some help of from the experts, i have asus x75a hm70 chipset with a intel 2370m hd3000 devid 0116.

I can get qe/ci oob with only adding duallink to my dsdt. I cant get hdmi working (only on low res 640x480) any higher and im getting a black screen. I also have artifacts, (randomly) sometimes its just working normal and sometimes with artifacts. my dsdt is in the attachment, its untouched, only with duallink and dtgp. can soemone please help me as im trying to get this working for 3 weeks now.

Can someone also please patch my dsdt with the below code, cause when im doing it myself i getting error and warning, would be great if someone can delete the old duallink and patch the code below into my dsdt and remove any errors. then i have a "untouched" dsdt with duallink working and i can test further from that point.


Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)\n
                   Store (Package (0x08)\n
                           Buffer (0x04)\n
                                0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00\n
                           Buffer (0x04)\n
                                0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00\n
                           Buffer (0x0A)\n
                           Buffer (0x04)\n
                                0x16, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00\n
                       }, Local0)\n
                   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))\n
                   Return (Local0)\n



there it is




good hack


oki only 5 more warnings to go, still have no hdmi :( thanks for the the dsdt cause i have it proberly patched now and duallink works aswell, but i have a black screen when im connecting any resolution higer as 640 :( got any good hacks?

EDIT: 480p also works now :D after 2 minutes waiting at the black screen

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