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Hi there,

I've installed ML using this image on my Dell Inspiron n7010 (specs listed below), the installation was successful, but, i have a problem with my graphic card, the os does not recognize it :(.

I'm using latest chimera bootloader version with this settings for vcard:

GraphicsEnabler=Yes, AtiConfig=Hoolock/Eulemur/..., AtiPorts=3

I cant reach desktop only if GraphicsEnabler is set to no :(

i've also tryed forced EDID, but no results (first boot i'v got 1152*864 then back to 1024*768)

Ethernet is working, no wifi, no sound also (voodoohda does recognize the device but no sound)

i really need your help guys.

P.S.1: I've tried some "kextes" but some times i get the same result as below and sometimes i get kernel panic.

P.S.2: the bootloader recognize the card, the framebuffer and the card family correctly (Ati 5470 1gb, Eulemur, Evegreen)


Laptop specs:

Intel Core i5 2.67Ghz

Memory: 4Gb

Graphics Card: ati mobility radeon hd 5470 1gb


Images in attachements describes how the screen looks like when i set GraphicsEnabler to Yes

Top Left corner:


Bottom right corner:


Whole screen:




try to use my file for forced edid is in my signature..

and see with system info > look for the app in forum downloads

see if it show also the intel hd.. if show intel hd + ati graphics card don't work at all

because the primary card is intel hd not supported in mac os x

good hack

PB Easy Note TM 86 - i5 430 M - H55M - Ram - 6 GB - Alc272 - Radeon HD 5470 512 QE/CI

Lenovo G500 - i5 3230m - HM77 - Ram - 8 GB - Conexant audio - HD 4000

My OS X Files 


thanks a lot for your help, graphic problem was solved using Forced EDID + this kext and using "Shrike" as framebuffer. For Audio, i used a dsdt patch combined with applehda kext.

every thing looks great except cmos reset for both mac os and windows.

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