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Request DSDT help for Asus P5Q SE


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Hi there - I cannot see, that anyone previously has requested help creating a DSDT for the board

Asus P5Q SE


Would it be possible for you, to help me with creating a DSDT.aml for this board?

Must admit, that regarding the DSDT, I'm a real n00b :shock:

At the moment I run EasyBeast from tonycrapx86's blog, which is running sweet, but, I'd like the advantages

of using a DSDT, instead.

I'm currently mainly running Snow Leopard, but do have Lion installed, as well.

Would a single DSDT work for both of them ?

I hope that you can help.

Thank you in advance


You would probably need some kind of info from me, regarding my BIOS ver. or something like that.



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