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HI, i've changed my graphic card, and now i get the error "Pci configuration begin" and my pc hang up.

I've lion 10.7.4 and now i've gtx 550 ti (before with gt 8800 512 oc and hd 5770 works perfectly)

any suggestion??? thanks

Lion 10.8.4, q6600 - p5e3 deluxe GTX 550 ti 1 gb - 8 gb ddr3 corsair 1600

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after i replace my graphics card, my lion 10.7.4 did't work( it hangs on apple logo).

i've a time machine backup than i prefer to start from installer, reinstall os lion and with migration assistant replace everything.

The installer is the one that i use a lot of time with a lot of PC's. It worked with gt 8800 and several ATI Cards.... no problem.

But now I'm finding issue with my gtx 550 ti. if i put again my 8800 the installer stars.

Lion 10.8.4, q6600 - p5e3 deluxe GTX 550 ti 1 gb - 8 gb ddr3 corsair 1600

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