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DSDT for GA-X58a-UD7 rev 1.0 (bios F9)


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I pulled out the .dsl out of bios with dsdt editor with forementioned bios version, and now I am wondering if getting the actual dsdt compiled is just as simple as extract, patch with mobo specific patches and adding sound card specific patch as well (for ALC889, not a) I know its a noobish question, but I just want to be safe side on this one before going to flick the switch and nuking windows out of this computer =)

Tried looking the mobo patch with text editor and wasn't really sure what works and what not, since it had no comments or anything included in it, so all help is appreciated on helping me with this one.


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apply the patch in a clean extracted dsdt


no errors

save it DSDT.aml, copy to extra folder, and test it a few days working , if no problems do what u want to do.

good hack

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